Has creído en aquel que justifica al impío?
Ruego al Señor que tenga compasión de todos nosotros, porque solo de esa manera podemos alcanzar la gracia del Todopoderoso.
Quiero comenzar este mensaje haciendo una pregunta a ti que lo estás leyendo.
¿Cuándo te has convertido, de que manera recibiste el mensaje del evangelio? ¿Cuándo lees la biblia, lo haces como desde otro lugar?
¿Qué es lo que quiero decir? Cuando leíste respecto a pecadores e impíos, ¿entendiste que se está refiriendo directamente a ti?
Cuando leíste que todos estamos bajo el juicio de Dios, ¿entendiste que ahí también estás tu? Te estoy hablando cuando supuestamente fuiste salvo y te convertiste. He notado que en el falso cristianismo, hay un espíritu inmundo que propaga una herejía terrible, esta es colocarnos un velo respecto al mensaje del Señor, no entendemos lo directo que es, porque ese espíritu inmundo te coloca en una posición de "privilegiado" por medio del falso evangelio, cuando el Espíritu Santo te coloca en una situación terrible, en la cual si la entendieras no tendrías fuerzas ni para respirar.
¿No somos así por naturaleza? ¿No nos creemos buenos y más justos que los demás?
Si veíamos a una ramera, nos admirábamos de ella, pero estábamos persuadidos que nosotros éramos mejores, cuando en realidad éramos tan inmorales como ella.
Cuando llegas a una falsa iglesia, tu eres el centro, todo va a estar bien para ti, tu mereces las bendiciones de Dios y tienes que comenzar a alcanzar la victoria, pero tus apetitos carnales siguen vivos dentro de ti, tu enseñas y juzgas a otros, pero déjame decirte que si no has entendido que no existe tal cosa como hombres privilegiados sino que todos pecaron, sino que la ira de Dios viene sobre nosotros como un furioso huracán para castigar nuestras maldades, si cuando leíste "Arrepiéntanse" lo hiciste con un velo en tu corazón, como si ese mensaje no fuera para ti, sino para otros, estás sumergido en un engaño.
Cuando lees Sodoma y Gomorra, te admiras y lo enseñas como ejemplo a otros, pero no has entendido que somos igual de pecadores y perversos que ellos y a no ser que se te haya predicado el mensaje correcto, la verdad del Evangelio, no vas a escapar del juicio de Dios.
Tu no alcanzas la justificación por todas las obras que hagas en tu iglesia, esa es la gran mentira del engaño espiritual, todas nuestras obras son nada sin el poder del Señor salvándonos.
Quizás estás muy entretenido con todas las promesas que tu pastor te hace, promesas que levantan tu ego hasta la cima más alta, yo te proclamo un mensaje, ¡El juicio de Dios es justo!
Lee con atención esta palabra:
"Por lo cual eres inexcusable, oh hombre, quienquiera que seas tú que juzgas; pues en lo que juzgas a otro, te condenas a ti mismo;
porque tú que juzgas haces lo mismo. Mas sabemos que el juicio de Dios contra los que practican tales cosas es según verdad. ¿Y piensas esto, oh hombre, tú que juzgas a los que tal hacen, y haces lo mismo, que tú escaparás del juicio de Dios? ¿O menosprecias las riquezas de su benignidad, paciencia y longanimidad, ignorando que su benignidad te guía al arrepentimiento?(Romanos 2:1-4)
Quizás cuando lees las escrituras no te involucras entre estos hombres, sino que piensas que estás fuera, si desde tu supuesta conversión ese ha sido tu espíritu, ¿Cómo es posible que hayas creído para salvación?
"Dijo Jesús: Para juicio he venido yo a este mundo; para que los que no ven, vean, y los que ven, sean cegados. Entonces algunos de los fariseos que estaban con él, al oír esto, le dijeron: ¿Acaso nosotros somos también ciegos? Jesús les respondió: Si fuerais ciegos, no tendríais pecado; mas ahora, porque decís: Vemos, vuestro pecado permanece"(Juan 9:39-41)
El evangelio de Cristo es para los que reconocen quebrantados de verdad que son malvados, pero el falso evangelio es para los que creen ser merecedores de algo y nunca alcanza salvación.
¿Te das cuenta? ¿Cómo has leído y recibido el evangelio? Si tu no entendiste que en medio de cada hombre malvado y pecador, desde Adan hasta los últimos malvados que nombra la Biblia, estabas tu al igual que ellos y que el mismo juicio justo que ellos recibieron está sobre ti, estás totalmente ciego y tu pecado permanece en ti.
Cuando lees pecadores no sientes nada, porque desde el primer momento en que llegaste a esa sinagoga de satanás tus falsos profetas no hicieron otra cosa que fortalecer tus manos, tu irritas a Dios y ellos te dicen que Dios va a bendecirte, que nada va a suceder, que hay paz para ti, yo imploro al Señor que si esta es tu situación te conceda misericordia.
Presta atención lo que el Espíritu Santo nos dice:
"¿Qué, pues? ¿Somos nosotros mejores que ellos? En ninguna manera; pues ya hemos acusado a judíos y a gentiles, que todos están bajo pecado. Como está escrito:
No hay justo, ni aun uno;
No hay quien entienda,
No hay quien busque a Dios.
Todos se desviaron, a una se hicieron inútiles;
No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni siquiera uno.
Sepulcro abierto es su garganta;
Con su lengua engañan.
Veneno de áspides hay debajo de sus labios;
Su boca está llena de maldición y de amargura.
Sus pies se apresuran para derramar sangre;
Quebranto y desventura hay en sus caminos; Y no conocieron camino de paz.
No hay temor de Dios delante de sus ojos.
Pero sabemos que todo lo que la ley dice, lo dice a los que están bajo la ley, para que toda boca se cierre y todo el mundo quede bajo el juicio de Dios; ya que por las obras de la ley ningún ser humano será justificado delante de él;
porque por medio de la ley es el conocimiento del pecado"(Romanos 3:9-20
¿Entiendes lo que significa que no hay un solo justo? ¿Has leído este pasaje y te has involucrado como parte de lo que somos? Hombres corruptos y aborrecedores de Dios.
El falso evangelio te abrazó, porque con su lisonja seduce con palabras de lástima como si el hombre fuera víctima, ese espíritu inmundo clama "pobre el hombre, encima que llega sufriendo y lleno de problemas, ¿le vamos a decir que es pecador y lo que eso significa? Ahí caen en lazo de muerte.
Recuerda porque llegaste a tu iglesia, seguramente por un problema que tiene que ver con tus cosas personales, tu vida económica, tu familia, tu salud, etc....pero no has venido a Cristo porque se te predicó con poder el evangelio y se te dijo ¡Arrepiéntete y reconoce tus pecados! ¡Mira tus miserias y acércate quebrantado al Señor!
Desde el primer día que pusiste los pies en tu iglesia, solo has alimentado falsas esperanzas, todas ellas tienen que ver con lo terrenal y tu conciencia se fue cada días más y más cauterizando.
A no ser que hayas recibido el evangelio del Señor Jesús, no tienes nada.
¿Tu crees que el eunuco Etíope pidió bautizarse porque le gustaba practicar rituales? Imagina lo que Felipe le proclamó lleno del poder del Espíritu Santo quién lo guió hasta ese carro, no imagino a Felipe prometiéndole victoria sobre sus finanzas y sueños personales, sino diciéndole ¡Debes arrepentirte, tu eres pecador, debes reconocerlo y clamar por salvación!
El Etíope vio aquellas aguas y no quiso esperar ni un segundo más, bajó y fue bautizado porque creyó al que justifica al impío, pero para eso necesitaba entender cual era su condición, que es lo que el Señor decía de él, cual era su posición en las escrituras.
El falso evangelio evade todas estas verdades, quizás en esta madrugada estoy siendo guiado por el Señor para hablarte a ti, ruego que su poder te abra el entendimiento y puedas ver.
Para ir terminando quiero dejar el ejemplo de Abraham que muchos lo predican tanto.
¿Tu crees que Abraham era justo? ¿Tú piensas que el creyó ser un hombre privilegiado?
Para comenzar a entender veamos que nos dice la escritura
Reunió Josué a todas las tribus de Israel en Siquem, y llamó a los ancianos de Israel, sus príncipes, sus jueces y sus oficiales; y se presentaron delante de Dios. Y dijo Josué a todo el pueblo: Así dice Jehová, Dios de Israel: Vuestros padres habitaron antiguamente al otro lado del río, esto es, Taré, padre de Abraham y de Nacor; y servían a dioses extraños(Josué 24:1-2)
Abraham adoraba a otros dioses, el Señor lo saco de su parentela para santificarlo, no era por sus obras que el sería llamado justo, sino porque creyó al que justifica al impío, Abraham sabía que era un hombre impío, nada tenía que gloriarse delante de Dios.
Pero enseñan a Abraham para solo hablar de sus riquezas y así engañarte prometiéndote cumplir tus sueños, cuando ese no es el verdadero mensaje.
Abraham creyó a Dios porque Cristo entregó su vida por él, Abraham tenía fe porque el tenía puesta su mirada en una ciudad cuyo arquitecto es Dios, esa ciudad no es de este mundo, estamos hablando de la salvación, cuando hablamos de esa promesa, de ninguna manera podemos correr a Cristo, porque él es el Autor de esa Fe verdadera y de tan poderosa salvación.
Hebreos nos revela algo maravilloso.
"Conforme a la fe murieron todos estos sin haber recibido lo prometido, sino mirándolo de lejos, y creyéndolo, y saludándolo, y confesando que eran extranjeros y peregrinos sobre la tierra.
Porque los que esto dicen, claramente dan a entender que buscan una patria; pues si hubiesen estado pensando en aquella de donde salieron, ciertamente tenían tiempo de volver. Pero anhelaban una mejor, esto es, celestial; por lo cual Dios no se avergüenza de llamarse Dios de ellos; porque les ha preparado una ciudad"(Hebreos 11:13-16).
Ellos solo miraron de lejos el evangelio de Cristo, pero lo creyeron, ellos anhelaban un patria mejor, la del cielo.
¿Cómo podían ellos anhelar algo así? Por el Espíritu de Cristo que moraba en ellos. ¿Puedes entender? Cuando te lean Hebreos 11 para llenarte de falsas promesas y alimentar mentiras en tu corazón, ya sabes que el testimonio de Fe de aquellos hombres fue creer al que justifica al impío, fue creer en el Hijo de Dios que se entregó para salvarlos de la justicia de Dios.
El Señor dijo algo al respecto:
"Abraham vuestro padre se gozó de que había de ver mi día; y lo vio, y se gozó"(Juan 8:56)
¿Puedes entender? ¿Dónde estaba el gozo de Abraham? De creer en el Señor Jesús, el cordero de Dios entregado para el perdón de los pecados, pero tienes que saber que Abraham , Moises y cada uno de esos hombres eran concientes de su maldad, ellos nunca vieron justicia alguna en ellos, sino que comprendieron la condición del hombre y así pudieron apreciar la gracia y el amor de Dios.
¿Dónde está tu gozo y tu fe?
"Qué, pues, diremos que halló Abraham, nuestro padre según la carne? Porque si Abraham fue justificado por las obras, tiene de qué gloriarse, pero no para con Dios. 3Porque ¿qué dice la Escritura? Creyó Abraham a Dios, y le fue contado por justicia.
Pero al que obra, no se le cuenta el salario como gracia, sino como deuda; mas al que no obra, sino cree en aquel que justifica al impío, su fe le es contada por justicia"(Romanos 4:1-5).
Abraham creyó al que justifica al impío, pero él sabía que era impío y que el Señor era su única esperanza.
Dios los bendiga.
domingo, 24 de julio de 2016
God, in Jesus Christ justifies the ungodly
You have believed in Him who justifies the ungodly?
May the Lord have mercy on all of us, because only that way can we achieve the grace of the Almighty.
I want to start this message asking a question to you that you are reading.
When you have become, that way you get the message of the gospel? When you read the Bible, you do it as from elsewhere?
What does that mean? When you read about sinners and ungodly, did you understand that you are referring directly to you?
When you read that we are all under the judgment of God, did you understand that there also are you? I'm talking about when you were supposedly safe and you became. I have noticed that in the false Christianity, there is an evil spirit that spreads a terrible heresy, this is to put a veil about the message of the Lord not understand how direct it is, because that evil spirit puts you in a position of "privileged" through the false gospel, when the Holy Spirit puts you in a terrible situation, which if you understood you would not have the strength to breathe.
Are not we so naturally? We do not believe what good fairer than others?
If we saw a prostitute, we admired her, but we were convinced that we were better, when in fact we were so immoral as she was.
When you get a false church, you are the center, everything will be fine for you, you deserve the blessings of God and you have to begin to victory, but your carnal appetites still alive inside you, you teach and judge others, but let me tell you if you have not understood that there is no such thing as privileged men but all have sinned, but the wrath of God comes upon us like a furious hurricane to punish our iniquities, if when you read "Repent" you did a veil in your heart, as if that message is not for you, but for others, you are immersed in a delusion.
When you read Sodom and Gomorrah, you admire and you show as an example to others, but you have not understood that we are just as sinful and wicked they do not and unless you have preached the right message, the gospel truth, you will not escape God's judgment.
You do not reach the justification for all the work you do in your church, that's the big lie of spiritual deception, all our works are nothing without the power of the Lord saving us.
Perhaps you are very busy with all the promises that your pastor makes you, your ego promises up to the highest peak, I proclaim a message, God's judgment is right!
Read carefully this word:
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself;
because you who pass judgment do the same. But we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those who practice such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (Romans 2: 1-4)?
Maybe when you read the scriptures do not get involved between these men, but you think you're out, if from your supposed conversion that has been your spirit, how you might have believed for salvation?
"Jesus said. For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this, they said: Do us ? also we are blind Jesus answered them, If you were blind, you would have no sin: but now ye say, we see, your sin remains "(John 9: 39-41)
The gospel of Christ is for those who truly contrite recognize that they are evil, but the false gospel is for those who believe they are worthy of something and never attains salvation.
You realize? How do you read and received the gospel? If you did not understand that in the midst of every evil and sinful man, from Adam to the last evil that names the Bible, were you like them and that the same fair trial that they received is upon you, you are totally blind and your sin it remains in you.
When you read sinners do not feel anything, because from the first moment you come to that synagogue of Satan your false prophets did nothing to strengthen your hands, your irritated God and they tell you that God will bless you, nothing will happen, there is peace for you, I implore the Lord that if this is your situation you grant mercy.
Pay attention what the Holy Spirit tells us:
?. "What then Are we better than them in any way, for we have already charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one;
No one understands,
No one who seeks God.
All have turned aside, they have become useless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throat is an open sepulcher;
Their tongues practice deceit.
Poison of asps is under their lips;
His mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood;
Destruction and misery are in their ways; And they have not known the way of peace.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
But we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God; because by works of the law no flesh will be justified before him;
for by the law is the knowledge of sin "(Romans 3: 9-20
Do you understand what that means no one righteous? Have you read this passage and you have involved as part of what we are? corrupt men and haters of God.
The false gospel hugged you, because with his flattery seduce with words of pity as if the man was a victim, that unclean spirit cries "poor man over reaching suffering and full of trouble, can we say that is a sinner and that means? that fall in bond death.
Remember that you came to your church, probably because of a problem that has to do with your personal things, your financial life, your family, your health, etc .... but did not come to Christ because you preached the gospel with power and you were told Repent and acknowledge your sins! Look at your weaknesses and come broken the Lord!
From the first day you set foot in your church, you have only fed false hopes, they all have to do with the earthly and your consciousness was every day more and more cauterizing.
Unless you have received the gospel of the Lord Jesus, you have nothing.
Do you think that the Ethiopian eunuch asked to be baptized because he liked to practice rituals? Imagine what Philip proclaimed filled with the power of the Holy Spirit who guided him to that car, can not imagine Felipe promising victory over their finances and personal dreams, but saying you must repent, you are a sinner, you must recognize and cry out for salvation!
The Ethiopian saw those waters and would not wait any longer, fell and was baptized because he believed that justifies the wicked, but that I needed to understand what his condition, which is what the Lord said about him, what was his position in the scriptures.
The false gospel evades all these truths, perhaps in this morning I am being led by the Lord to speak to you, I beg you to open your understanding and can view.
To be ending I want to make the example of Abraham many preach so much.
Do you think that Abraham was right? Do you think he believed to be a privileged man?
To begin to understand see what Scripture tells us
He met Joshua all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, their judges and their officers; and they presented themselves before God. And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, even Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and served other gods (Joshua 24: 1-2)
Abraham worshiped other gods, the Lord him out of his kindred to sanctify it was not by works that would be called just, but because they believed that justifies the ungodly, Abraham knew he was a wicked man, had nothing to boast before God.
But Abraham to teach only speak of their wealth and so deceive promising you fulfill your dreams, when that is not the real message.
Abraham believed God because Christ gave his life for him, Abraham had faith because he had set his sights on a city whose builder is God, that city is not of this world, we are talking of salvation, when we speak of that promise, no way we can run to Christ, because he is the author of the true faith and salvation so powerful.
Hebrews tells us something wonderful.
"Under all they died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar, seen them and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say, clearly they imply they seek a country; If they had been mindful of that from which they came out, they had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly; Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; because he has prepared a city "(Hebrews 11: 13-16).
They just looked by far the gospel of Christ, but believed it, they longed for a better country, that of heaven.
How could they crave something? For the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them. You can understand? When you read Hebrews 11 to fill you with false promises and power lies in your heart, you know that the testimony of faith of those men was to believe that justifies the ungodly, was to believe in the Son of God who gave himself to save them from justice of God.
The Lord said something about:
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it and was glad" (John 8:56)
You can understand? Where was the joy of Abraham? To believe in the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God given for the forgiveness of sins, but you have to know that Abraham, Moses and every one of these men were aware of their evil, they never saw any justice in them, but they understood the condition of man and thus could appreciate the grace and love of God.
Where is your joy and your faith?
"What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it he was counted for righteousness.
But to him that worketh not reckoned as of grace, but of debt; But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness "(Romans 4: 1-5).
Abraham believed that justifies the wicked, but he knew it was wicked and the Lord was his only hope.
God bless you.
May the Lord have mercy on all of us, because only that way can we achieve the grace of the Almighty.
I want to start this message asking a question to you that you are reading.
When you have become, that way you get the message of the gospel? When you read the Bible, you do it as from elsewhere?
What does that mean? When you read about sinners and ungodly, did you understand that you are referring directly to you?
When you read that we are all under the judgment of God, did you understand that there also are you? I'm talking about when you were supposedly safe and you became. I have noticed that in the false Christianity, there is an evil spirit that spreads a terrible heresy, this is to put a veil about the message of the Lord not understand how direct it is, because that evil spirit puts you in a position of "privileged" through the false gospel, when the Holy Spirit puts you in a terrible situation, which if you understood you would not have the strength to breathe.
Are not we so naturally? We do not believe what good fairer than others?
If we saw a prostitute, we admired her, but we were convinced that we were better, when in fact we were so immoral as she was.
When you get a false church, you are the center, everything will be fine for you, you deserve the blessings of God and you have to begin to victory, but your carnal appetites still alive inside you, you teach and judge others, but let me tell you if you have not understood that there is no such thing as privileged men but all have sinned, but the wrath of God comes upon us like a furious hurricane to punish our iniquities, if when you read "Repent" you did a veil in your heart, as if that message is not for you, but for others, you are immersed in a delusion.
When you read Sodom and Gomorrah, you admire and you show as an example to others, but you have not understood that we are just as sinful and wicked they do not and unless you have preached the right message, the gospel truth, you will not escape God's judgment.
You do not reach the justification for all the work you do in your church, that's the big lie of spiritual deception, all our works are nothing without the power of the Lord saving us.
Perhaps you are very busy with all the promises that your pastor makes you, your ego promises up to the highest peak, I proclaim a message, God's judgment is right!
Read carefully this word:
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself;
because you who pass judgment do the same. But we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those who practice such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (Romans 2: 1-4)?
Maybe when you read the scriptures do not get involved between these men, but you think you're out, if from your supposed conversion that has been your spirit, how you might have believed for salvation?
"Jesus said. For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this, they said: Do us ? also we are blind Jesus answered them, If you were blind, you would have no sin: but now ye say, we see, your sin remains "(John 9: 39-41)
The gospel of Christ is for those who truly contrite recognize that they are evil, but the false gospel is for those who believe they are worthy of something and never attains salvation.
You realize? How do you read and received the gospel? If you did not understand that in the midst of every evil and sinful man, from Adam to the last evil that names the Bible, were you like them and that the same fair trial that they received is upon you, you are totally blind and your sin it remains in you.
When you read sinners do not feel anything, because from the first moment you come to that synagogue of Satan your false prophets did nothing to strengthen your hands, your irritated God and they tell you that God will bless you, nothing will happen, there is peace for you, I implore the Lord that if this is your situation you grant mercy.
Pay attention what the Holy Spirit tells us:
?. "What then Are we better than them in any way, for we have already charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one;
No one understands,
No one who seeks God.
All have turned aside, they have become useless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throat is an open sepulcher;
Their tongues practice deceit.
Poison of asps is under their lips;
His mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood;
Destruction and misery are in their ways; And they have not known the way of peace.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
But we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God; because by works of the law no flesh will be justified before him;
for by the law is the knowledge of sin "(Romans 3: 9-20
Do you understand what that means no one righteous? Have you read this passage and you have involved as part of what we are? corrupt men and haters of God.
The false gospel hugged you, because with his flattery seduce with words of pity as if the man was a victim, that unclean spirit cries "poor man over reaching suffering and full of trouble, can we say that is a sinner and that means? that fall in bond death.
Remember that you came to your church, probably because of a problem that has to do with your personal things, your financial life, your family, your health, etc .... but did not come to Christ because you preached the gospel with power and you were told Repent and acknowledge your sins! Look at your weaknesses and come broken the Lord!
From the first day you set foot in your church, you have only fed false hopes, they all have to do with the earthly and your consciousness was every day more and more cauterizing.
Unless you have received the gospel of the Lord Jesus, you have nothing.
Do you think that the Ethiopian eunuch asked to be baptized because he liked to practice rituals? Imagine what Philip proclaimed filled with the power of the Holy Spirit who guided him to that car, can not imagine Felipe promising victory over their finances and personal dreams, but saying you must repent, you are a sinner, you must recognize and cry out for salvation!
The Ethiopian saw those waters and would not wait any longer, fell and was baptized because he believed that justifies the wicked, but that I needed to understand what his condition, which is what the Lord said about him, what was his position in the scriptures.
The false gospel evades all these truths, perhaps in this morning I am being led by the Lord to speak to you, I beg you to open your understanding and can view.
To be ending I want to make the example of Abraham many preach so much.
Do you think that Abraham was right? Do you think he believed to be a privileged man?
To begin to understand see what Scripture tells us
He met Joshua all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, their judges and their officers; and they presented themselves before God. And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, even Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and served other gods (Joshua 24: 1-2)
Abraham worshiped other gods, the Lord him out of his kindred to sanctify it was not by works that would be called just, but because they believed that justifies the ungodly, Abraham knew he was a wicked man, had nothing to boast before God.
But Abraham to teach only speak of their wealth and so deceive promising you fulfill your dreams, when that is not the real message.
Abraham believed God because Christ gave his life for him, Abraham had faith because he had set his sights on a city whose builder is God, that city is not of this world, we are talking of salvation, when we speak of that promise, no way we can run to Christ, because he is the author of the true faith and salvation so powerful.
Hebrews tells us something wonderful.
"Under all they died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar, seen them and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say, clearly they imply they seek a country; If they had been mindful of that from which they came out, they had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly; Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; because he has prepared a city "(Hebrews 11: 13-16).
They just looked by far the gospel of Christ, but believed it, they longed for a better country, that of heaven.
How could they crave something? For the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them. You can understand? When you read Hebrews 11 to fill you with false promises and power lies in your heart, you know that the testimony of faith of those men was to believe that justifies the ungodly, was to believe in the Son of God who gave himself to save them from justice of God.
The Lord said something about:
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it and was glad" (John 8:56)
You can understand? Where was the joy of Abraham? To believe in the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God given for the forgiveness of sins, but you have to know that Abraham, Moses and every one of these men were aware of their evil, they never saw any justice in them, but they understood the condition of man and thus could appreciate the grace and love of God.
Where is your joy and your faith?
"What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it he was counted for righteousness.
But to him that worketh not reckoned as of grace, but of debt; But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness "(Romans 4: 1-5).
Abraham believed that justifies the wicked, but he knew it was wicked and the Lord was his only hope.
God bless you.
Justified by faith in Jesus Christ
God bless you.
When the Bible says that man is not justified by works of the law, it is not referring to the rites and ceremonies of the law, but to the inability we have to obey the holy and moral law of God.
Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses, this means deviation, intentional mistake, voluntary offense.
If we believed, we are justified, that is considered and shown before the innocent and righteous Father, through the obedience of Jesus Christ who was resurrected.
Listen to this well; on the cross God manifested his justice, ie their equity, their character. If you want to know the character of the Lord, look at the Cross and meditate on the words of Jesus, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So you were God if you have repented, but if you have not done so is your condition before Him, you can not not look, the hates sin.
Look to the Cross and fear God, because it is the greatest manifestation of his character, remember that Christ was delivered for your transgression.
Woe to those who do not repent!
Empty your heart of any boasting, you are not saved because they belong to an institution or because a man simply tells you, you are saved if you recognized him how sinful you are, recognize that you are not worthy of God, but cry out like the publican mercy and God will show you a favorable attitude only by his grace.
This positive attitude has been shown in the person of Jesus Christ is preached through the gospel, it is the justification of God set before you.
His kindness want to lead you to repentance, but if you despise not expect to move a finger for you, all you have left is the total abandonment of his party.
Do not forget to meditate on his display in the Cross of Christ character.
God bless you.
When the Bible says that man is not justified by works of the law, it is not referring to the rites and ceremonies of the law, but to the inability we have to obey the holy and moral law of God.
Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses, this means deviation, intentional mistake, voluntary offense.
If we believed, we are justified, that is considered and shown before the innocent and righteous Father, through the obedience of Jesus Christ who was resurrected.
Listen to this well; on the cross God manifested his justice, ie their equity, their character. If you want to know the character of the Lord, look at the Cross and meditate on the words of Jesus, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So you were God if you have repented, but if you have not done so is your condition before Him, you can not not look, the hates sin.
Look to the Cross and fear God, because it is the greatest manifestation of his character, remember that Christ was delivered for your transgression.
Woe to those who do not repent!
Empty your heart of any boasting, you are not saved because they belong to an institution or because a man simply tells you, you are saved if you recognized him how sinful you are, recognize that you are not worthy of God, but cry out like the publican mercy and God will show you a favorable attitude only by his grace.
This positive attitude has been shown in the person of Jesus Christ is preached through the gospel, it is the justification of God set before you.
His kindness want to lead you to repentance, but if you despise not expect to move a finger for you, all you have left is the total abandonment of his party.
Do not forget to meditate on his display in the Cross of Christ character.
God bless you.
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