Has creído en aquel que justifica al impío?
Ruego al Señor que tenga compasión de todos nosotros, porque solo de esa manera podemos alcanzar la gracia del Todopoderoso.
Quiero comenzar este mensaje haciendo una pregunta a ti que lo estás leyendo.
¿Cuándo te has convertido, de que manera recibiste el mensaje del evangelio? ¿Cuándo lees la biblia, lo haces como desde otro lugar?
¿Qué es lo que quiero decir? Cuando leíste respecto a pecadores e impíos, ¿entendiste que se está refiriendo directamente a ti?
Cuando leíste que todos estamos bajo el juicio de Dios, ¿entendiste que ahí también estás tu? Te estoy hablando cuando supuestamente fuiste salvo y te convertiste. He notado que en el falso cristianismo, hay un espíritu inmundo que propaga una herejía terrible, esta es colocarnos un velo respecto al mensaje del Señor, no entendemos lo directo que es, porque ese espíritu inmundo te coloca en una posición de "privilegiado" por medio del falso evangelio, cuando el Espíritu Santo te coloca en una situación terrible, en la cual si la entendieras no tendrías fuerzas ni para respirar.
¿No somos así por naturaleza? ¿No nos creemos buenos y más justos que los demás?
Si veíamos a una ramera, nos admirábamos de ella, pero estábamos persuadidos que nosotros éramos mejores, cuando en realidad éramos tan inmorales como ella.
Cuando llegas a una falsa iglesia, tu eres el centro, todo va a estar bien para ti, tu mereces las bendiciones de Dios y tienes que comenzar a alcanzar la victoria, pero tus apetitos carnales siguen vivos dentro de ti, tu enseñas y juzgas a otros, pero déjame decirte que si no has entendido que no existe tal cosa como hombres privilegiados sino que todos pecaron, sino que la ira de Dios viene sobre nosotros como un furioso huracán para castigar nuestras maldades, si cuando leíste "Arrepiéntanse" lo hiciste con un velo en tu corazón, como si ese mensaje no fuera para ti, sino para otros, estás sumergido en un engaño.
Cuando lees Sodoma y Gomorra, te admiras y lo enseñas como ejemplo a otros, pero no has entendido que somos igual de pecadores y perversos que ellos y a no ser que se te haya predicado el mensaje correcto, la verdad del Evangelio, no vas a escapar del juicio de Dios.
Tu no alcanzas la justificación por todas las obras que hagas en tu iglesia, esa es la gran mentira del engaño espiritual, todas nuestras obras son nada sin el poder del Señor salvándonos.
Quizás estás muy entretenido con todas las promesas que tu pastor te hace, promesas que levantan tu ego hasta la cima más alta, yo te proclamo un mensaje, ¡El juicio de Dios es justo!
Lee con atención esta palabra:
"Por lo cual eres inexcusable, oh hombre, quienquiera que seas tú que juzgas; pues en lo que juzgas a otro, te condenas a ti mismo;
porque tú que juzgas haces lo mismo. Mas sabemos que el juicio de Dios contra los que practican tales cosas es según verdad. ¿Y piensas esto, oh hombre, tú que juzgas a los que tal hacen, y haces lo mismo, que tú escaparás del juicio de Dios? ¿O menosprecias las riquezas de su benignidad, paciencia y longanimidad, ignorando que su benignidad te guía al arrepentimiento?(Romanos 2:1-4)
Quizás cuando lees las escrituras no te involucras entre estos hombres, sino que piensas que estás fuera, si desde tu supuesta conversión ese ha sido tu espíritu, ¿Cómo es posible que hayas creído para salvación?
"Dijo Jesús: Para juicio he venido yo a este mundo; para que los que no ven, vean, y los que ven, sean cegados. Entonces algunos de los fariseos que estaban con él, al oír esto, le dijeron: ¿Acaso nosotros somos también ciegos? Jesús les respondió: Si fuerais ciegos, no tendríais pecado; mas ahora, porque decís: Vemos, vuestro pecado permanece"(Juan 9:39-41)
El evangelio de Cristo es para los que reconocen quebrantados de verdad que son malvados, pero el falso evangelio es para los que creen ser merecedores de algo y nunca alcanza salvación.
¿Te das cuenta? ¿Cómo has leído y recibido el evangelio? Si tu no entendiste que en medio de cada hombre malvado y pecador, desde Adan hasta los últimos malvados que nombra la Biblia, estabas tu al igual que ellos y que el mismo juicio justo que ellos recibieron está sobre ti, estás totalmente ciego y tu pecado permanece en ti.
Cuando lees pecadores no sientes nada, porque desde el primer momento en que llegaste a esa sinagoga de satanás tus falsos profetas no hicieron otra cosa que fortalecer tus manos, tu irritas a Dios y ellos te dicen que Dios va a bendecirte, que nada va a suceder, que hay paz para ti, yo imploro al Señor que si esta es tu situación te conceda misericordia.
Presta atención lo que el Espíritu Santo nos dice:
"¿Qué, pues? ¿Somos nosotros mejores que ellos? En ninguna manera; pues ya hemos acusado a judíos y a gentiles, que todos están bajo pecado. Como está escrito:
No hay justo, ni aun uno;
No hay quien entienda,
No hay quien busque a Dios.
Todos se desviaron, a una se hicieron inútiles;
No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni siquiera uno.
Sepulcro abierto es su garganta;
Con su lengua engañan.
Veneno de áspides hay debajo de sus labios;
Su boca está llena de maldición y de amargura.
Sus pies se apresuran para derramar sangre;
Quebranto y desventura hay en sus caminos; Y no conocieron camino de paz.
No hay temor de Dios delante de sus ojos.
Pero sabemos que todo lo que la ley dice, lo dice a los que están bajo la ley, para que toda boca se cierre y todo el mundo quede bajo el juicio de Dios; ya que por las obras de la ley ningún ser humano será justificado delante de él;
porque por medio de la ley es el conocimiento del pecado"(Romanos 3:9-20
¿Entiendes lo que significa que no hay un solo justo? ¿Has leído este pasaje y te has involucrado como parte de lo que somos? Hombres corruptos y aborrecedores de Dios.
El falso evangelio te abrazó, porque con su lisonja seduce con palabras de lástima como si el hombre fuera víctima, ese espíritu inmundo clama "pobre el hombre, encima que llega sufriendo y lleno de problemas, ¿le vamos a decir que es pecador y lo que eso significa? Ahí caen en lazo de muerte.
Recuerda porque llegaste a tu iglesia, seguramente por un problema que tiene que ver con tus cosas personales, tu vida económica, tu familia, tu salud, etc....pero no has venido a Cristo porque se te predicó con poder el evangelio y se te dijo ¡Arrepiéntete y reconoce tus pecados! ¡Mira tus miserias y acércate quebrantado al Señor!
Desde el primer día que pusiste los pies en tu iglesia, solo has alimentado falsas esperanzas, todas ellas tienen que ver con lo terrenal y tu conciencia se fue cada días más y más cauterizando.
A no ser que hayas recibido el evangelio del Señor Jesús, no tienes nada.
¿Tu crees que el eunuco Etíope pidió bautizarse porque le gustaba practicar rituales? Imagina lo que Felipe le proclamó lleno del poder del Espíritu Santo quién lo guió hasta ese carro, no imagino a Felipe prometiéndole victoria sobre sus finanzas y sueños personales, sino diciéndole ¡Debes arrepentirte, tu eres pecador, debes reconocerlo y clamar por salvación!
El Etíope vio aquellas aguas y no quiso esperar ni un segundo más, bajó y fue bautizado porque creyó al que justifica al impío, pero para eso necesitaba entender cual era su condición, que es lo que el Señor decía de él, cual era su posición en las escrituras.
El falso evangelio evade todas estas verdades, quizás en esta madrugada estoy siendo guiado por el Señor para hablarte a ti, ruego que su poder te abra el entendimiento y puedas ver.
Para ir terminando quiero dejar el ejemplo de Abraham que muchos lo predican tanto.
¿Tu crees que Abraham era justo? ¿Tú piensas que el creyó ser un hombre privilegiado?
Para comenzar a entender veamos que nos dice la escritura
Reunió Josué a todas las tribus de Israel en Siquem, y llamó a los ancianos de Israel, sus príncipes, sus jueces y sus oficiales; y se presentaron delante de Dios. Y dijo Josué a todo el pueblo: Así dice Jehová, Dios de Israel: Vuestros padres habitaron antiguamente al otro lado del río, esto es, Taré, padre de Abraham y de Nacor; y servían a dioses extraños(Josué 24:1-2)
Abraham adoraba a otros dioses, el Señor lo saco de su parentela para santificarlo, no era por sus obras que el sería llamado justo, sino porque creyó al que justifica al impío, Abraham sabía que era un hombre impío, nada tenía que gloriarse delante de Dios.
Pero enseñan a Abraham para solo hablar de sus riquezas y así engañarte prometiéndote cumplir tus sueños, cuando ese no es el verdadero mensaje.
Abraham creyó a Dios porque Cristo entregó su vida por él, Abraham tenía fe porque el tenía puesta su mirada en una ciudad cuyo arquitecto es Dios, esa ciudad no es de este mundo, estamos hablando de la salvación, cuando hablamos de esa promesa, de ninguna manera podemos correr a Cristo, porque él es el Autor de esa Fe verdadera y de tan poderosa salvación.
Hebreos nos revela algo maravilloso.
"Conforme a la fe murieron todos estos sin haber recibido lo prometido, sino mirándolo de lejos, y creyéndolo, y saludándolo, y confesando que eran extranjeros y peregrinos sobre la tierra.
Porque los que esto dicen, claramente dan a entender que buscan una patria; pues si hubiesen estado pensando en aquella de donde salieron, ciertamente tenían tiempo de volver. Pero anhelaban una mejor, esto es, celestial; por lo cual Dios no se avergüenza de llamarse Dios de ellos; porque les ha preparado una ciudad"(Hebreos 11:13-16).
Ellos solo miraron de lejos el evangelio de Cristo, pero lo creyeron, ellos anhelaban un patria mejor, la del cielo.
¿Cómo podían ellos anhelar algo así? Por el Espíritu de Cristo que moraba en ellos. ¿Puedes entender? Cuando te lean Hebreos 11 para llenarte de falsas promesas y alimentar mentiras en tu corazón, ya sabes que el testimonio de Fe de aquellos hombres fue creer al que justifica al impío, fue creer en el Hijo de Dios que se entregó para salvarlos de la justicia de Dios.
El Señor dijo algo al respecto:
"Abraham vuestro padre se gozó de que había de ver mi día; y lo vio, y se gozó"(Juan 8:56)
¿Puedes entender? ¿Dónde estaba el gozo de Abraham? De creer en el Señor Jesús, el cordero de Dios entregado para el perdón de los pecados, pero tienes que saber que Abraham , Moises y cada uno de esos hombres eran concientes de su maldad, ellos nunca vieron justicia alguna en ellos, sino que comprendieron la condición del hombre y así pudieron apreciar la gracia y el amor de Dios.
¿Dónde está tu gozo y tu fe?
"Qué, pues, diremos que halló Abraham, nuestro padre según la carne? Porque si Abraham fue justificado por las obras, tiene de qué gloriarse, pero no para con Dios. 3Porque ¿qué dice la Escritura? Creyó Abraham a Dios, y le fue contado por justicia.
Pero al que obra, no se le cuenta el salario como gracia, sino como deuda; mas al que no obra, sino cree en aquel que justifica al impío, su fe le es contada por justicia"(Romanos 4:1-5).
Abraham creyó al que justifica al impío, pero él sabía que era impío y que el Señor era su única esperanza.
Dios los bendiga.
domingo, 24 de julio de 2016
God, in Jesus Christ justifies the ungodly
You have believed in Him who justifies the ungodly?
May the Lord have mercy on all of us, because only that way can we achieve the grace of the Almighty.
I want to start this message asking a question to you that you are reading.
When you have become, that way you get the message of the gospel? When you read the Bible, you do it as from elsewhere?
What does that mean? When you read about sinners and ungodly, did you understand that you are referring directly to you?
When you read that we are all under the judgment of God, did you understand that there also are you? I'm talking about when you were supposedly safe and you became. I have noticed that in the false Christianity, there is an evil spirit that spreads a terrible heresy, this is to put a veil about the message of the Lord not understand how direct it is, because that evil spirit puts you in a position of "privileged" through the false gospel, when the Holy Spirit puts you in a terrible situation, which if you understood you would not have the strength to breathe.
Are not we so naturally? We do not believe what good fairer than others?
If we saw a prostitute, we admired her, but we were convinced that we were better, when in fact we were so immoral as she was.
When you get a false church, you are the center, everything will be fine for you, you deserve the blessings of God and you have to begin to victory, but your carnal appetites still alive inside you, you teach and judge others, but let me tell you if you have not understood that there is no such thing as privileged men but all have sinned, but the wrath of God comes upon us like a furious hurricane to punish our iniquities, if when you read "Repent" you did a veil in your heart, as if that message is not for you, but for others, you are immersed in a delusion.
When you read Sodom and Gomorrah, you admire and you show as an example to others, but you have not understood that we are just as sinful and wicked they do not and unless you have preached the right message, the gospel truth, you will not escape God's judgment.
You do not reach the justification for all the work you do in your church, that's the big lie of spiritual deception, all our works are nothing without the power of the Lord saving us.
Perhaps you are very busy with all the promises that your pastor makes you, your ego promises up to the highest peak, I proclaim a message, God's judgment is right!
Read carefully this word:
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself;
because you who pass judgment do the same. But we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those who practice such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (Romans 2: 1-4)?
Maybe when you read the scriptures do not get involved between these men, but you think you're out, if from your supposed conversion that has been your spirit, how you might have believed for salvation?
"Jesus said. For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this, they said: Do us ? also we are blind Jesus answered them, If you were blind, you would have no sin: but now ye say, we see, your sin remains "(John 9: 39-41)
The gospel of Christ is for those who truly contrite recognize that they are evil, but the false gospel is for those who believe they are worthy of something and never attains salvation.
You realize? How do you read and received the gospel? If you did not understand that in the midst of every evil and sinful man, from Adam to the last evil that names the Bible, were you like them and that the same fair trial that they received is upon you, you are totally blind and your sin it remains in you.
When you read sinners do not feel anything, because from the first moment you come to that synagogue of Satan your false prophets did nothing to strengthen your hands, your irritated God and they tell you that God will bless you, nothing will happen, there is peace for you, I implore the Lord that if this is your situation you grant mercy.
Pay attention what the Holy Spirit tells us:
?. "What then Are we better than them in any way, for we have already charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one;
No one understands,
No one who seeks God.
All have turned aside, they have become useless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throat is an open sepulcher;
Their tongues practice deceit.
Poison of asps is under their lips;
His mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood;
Destruction and misery are in their ways; And they have not known the way of peace.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
But we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God; because by works of the law no flesh will be justified before him;
for by the law is the knowledge of sin "(Romans 3: 9-20
Do you understand what that means no one righteous? Have you read this passage and you have involved as part of what we are? corrupt men and haters of God.
The false gospel hugged you, because with his flattery seduce with words of pity as if the man was a victim, that unclean spirit cries "poor man over reaching suffering and full of trouble, can we say that is a sinner and that means? that fall in bond death.
Remember that you came to your church, probably because of a problem that has to do with your personal things, your financial life, your family, your health, etc .... but did not come to Christ because you preached the gospel with power and you were told Repent and acknowledge your sins! Look at your weaknesses and come broken the Lord!
From the first day you set foot in your church, you have only fed false hopes, they all have to do with the earthly and your consciousness was every day more and more cauterizing.
Unless you have received the gospel of the Lord Jesus, you have nothing.
Do you think that the Ethiopian eunuch asked to be baptized because he liked to practice rituals? Imagine what Philip proclaimed filled with the power of the Holy Spirit who guided him to that car, can not imagine Felipe promising victory over their finances and personal dreams, but saying you must repent, you are a sinner, you must recognize and cry out for salvation!
The Ethiopian saw those waters and would not wait any longer, fell and was baptized because he believed that justifies the wicked, but that I needed to understand what his condition, which is what the Lord said about him, what was his position in the scriptures.
The false gospel evades all these truths, perhaps in this morning I am being led by the Lord to speak to you, I beg you to open your understanding and can view.
To be ending I want to make the example of Abraham many preach so much.
Do you think that Abraham was right? Do you think he believed to be a privileged man?
To begin to understand see what Scripture tells us
He met Joshua all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, their judges and their officers; and they presented themselves before God. And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, even Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and served other gods (Joshua 24: 1-2)
Abraham worshiped other gods, the Lord him out of his kindred to sanctify it was not by works that would be called just, but because they believed that justifies the ungodly, Abraham knew he was a wicked man, had nothing to boast before God.
But Abraham to teach only speak of their wealth and so deceive promising you fulfill your dreams, when that is not the real message.
Abraham believed God because Christ gave his life for him, Abraham had faith because he had set his sights on a city whose builder is God, that city is not of this world, we are talking of salvation, when we speak of that promise, no way we can run to Christ, because he is the author of the true faith and salvation so powerful.
Hebrews tells us something wonderful.
"Under all they died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar, seen them and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say, clearly they imply they seek a country; If they had been mindful of that from which they came out, they had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly; Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; because he has prepared a city "(Hebrews 11: 13-16).
They just looked by far the gospel of Christ, but believed it, they longed for a better country, that of heaven.
How could they crave something? For the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them. You can understand? When you read Hebrews 11 to fill you with false promises and power lies in your heart, you know that the testimony of faith of those men was to believe that justifies the ungodly, was to believe in the Son of God who gave himself to save them from justice of God.
The Lord said something about:
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it and was glad" (John 8:56)
You can understand? Where was the joy of Abraham? To believe in the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God given for the forgiveness of sins, but you have to know that Abraham, Moses and every one of these men were aware of their evil, they never saw any justice in them, but they understood the condition of man and thus could appreciate the grace and love of God.
Where is your joy and your faith?
"What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it he was counted for righteousness.
But to him that worketh not reckoned as of grace, but of debt; But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness "(Romans 4: 1-5).
Abraham believed that justifies the wicked, but he knew it was wicked and the Lord was his only hope.
God bless you.
May the Lord have mercy on all of us, because only that way can we achieve the grace of the Almighty.
I want to start this message asking a question to you that you are reading.
When you have become, that way you get the message of the gospel? When you read the Bible, you do it as from elsewhere?
What does that mean? When you read about sinners and ungodly, did you understand that you are referring directly to you?
When you read that we are all under the judgment of God, did you understand that there also are you? I'm talking about when you were supposedly safe and you became. I have noticed that in the false Christianity, there is an evil spirit that spreads a terrible heresy, this is to put a veil about the message of the Lord not understand how direct it is, because that evil spirit puts you in a position of "privileged" through the false gospel, when the Holy Spirit puts you in a terrible situation, which if you understood you would not have the strength to breathe.
Are not we so naturally? We do not believe what good fairer than others?
If we saw a prostitute, we admired her, but we were convinced that we were better, when in fact we were so immoral as she was.
When you get a false church, you are the center, everything will be fine for you, you deserve the blessings of God and you have to begin to victory, but your carnal appetites still alive inside you, you teach and judge others, but let me tell you if you have not understood that there is no such thing as privileged men but all have sinned, but the wrath of God comes upon us like a furious hurricane to punish our iniquities, if when you read "Repent" you did a veil in your heart, as if that message is not for you, but for others, you are immersed in a delusion.
When you read Sodom and Gomorrah, you admire and you show as an example to others, but you have not understood that we are just as sinful and wicked they do not and unless you have preached the right message, the gospel truth, you will not escape God's judgment.
You do not reach the justification for all the work you do in your church, that's the big lie of spiritual deception, all our works are nothing without the power of the Lord saving us.
Perhaps you are very busy with all the promises that your pastor makes you, your ego promises up to the highest peak, I proclaim a message, God's judgment is right!
Read carefully this word:
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself;
because you who pass judgment do the same. But we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those who practice such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (Romans 2: 1-4)?
Maybe when you read the scriptures do not get involved between these men, but you think you're out, if from your supposed conversion that has been your spirit, how you might have believed for salvation?
"Jesus said. For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this, they said: Do us ? also we are blind Jesus answered them, If you were blind, you would have no sin: but now ye say, we see, your sin remains "(John 9: 39-41)
The gospel of Christ is for those who truly contrite recognize that they are evil, but the false gospel is for those who believe they are worthy of something and never attains salvation.
You realize? How do you read and received the gospel? If you did not understand that in the midst of every evil and sinful man, from Adam to the last evil that names the Bible, were you like them and that the same fair trial that they received is upon you, you are totally blind and your sin it remains in you.
When you read sinners do not feel anything, because from the first moment you come to that synagogue of Satan your false prophets did nothing to strengthen your hands, your irritated God and they tell you that God will bless you, nothing will happen, there is peace for you, I implore the Lord that if this is your situation you grant mercy.
Pay attention what the Holy Spirit tells us:
?. "What then Are we better than them in any way, for we have already charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one;
No one understands,
No one who seeks God.
All have turned aside, they have become useless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throat is an open sepulcher;
Their tongues practice deceit.
Poison of asps is under their lips;
His mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood;
Destruction and misery are in their ways; And they have not known the way of peace.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
But we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God; because by works of the law no flesh will be justified before him;
for by the law is the knowledge of sin "(Romans 3: 9-20
Do you understand what that means no one righteous? Have you read this passage and you have involved as part of what we are? corrupt men and haters of God.
The false gospel hugged you, because with his flattery seduce with words of pity as if the man was a victim, that unclean spirit cries "poor man over reaching suffering and full of trouble, can we say that is a sinner and that means? that fall in bond death.
Remember that you came to your church, probably because of a problem that has to do with your personal things, your financial life, your family, your health, etc .... but did not come to Christ because you preached the gospel with power and you were told Repent and acknowledge your sins! Look at your weaknesses and come broken the Lord!
From the first day you set foot in your church, you have only fed false hopes, they all have to do with the earthly and your consciousness was every day more and more cauterizing.
Unless you have received the gospel of the Lord Jesus, you have nothing.
Do you think that the Ethiopian eunuch asked to be baptized because he liked to practice rituals? Imagine what Philip proclaimed filled with the power of the Holy Spirit who guided him to that car, can not imagine Felipe promising victory over their finances and personal dreams, but saying you must repent, you are a sinner, you must recognize and cry out for salvation!
The Ethiopian saw those waters and would not wait any longer, fell and was baptized because he believed that justifies the wicked, but that I needed to understand what his condition, which is what the Lord said about him, what was his position in the scriptures.
The false gospel evades all these truths, perhaps in this morning I am being led by the Lord to speak to you, I beg you to open your understanding and can view.
To be ending I want to make the example of Abraham many preach so much.
Do you think that Abraham was right? Do you think he believed to be a privileged man?
To begin to understand see what Scripture tells us
He met Joshua all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, their judges and their officers; and they presented themselves before God. And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, even Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and served other gods (Joshua 24: 1-2)
Abraham worshiped other gods, the Lord him out of his kindred to sanctify it was not by works that would be called just, but because they believed that justifies the ungodly, Abraham knew he was a wicked man, had nothing to boast before God.
But Abraham to teach only speak of their wealth and so deceive promising you fulfill your dreams, when that is not the real message.
Abraham believed God because Christ gave his life for him, Abraham had faith because he had set his sights on a city whose builder is God, that city is not of this world, we are talking of salvation, when we speak of that promise, no way we can run to Christ, because he is the author of the true faith and salvation so powerful.
Hebrews tells us something wonderful.
"Under all they died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar, seen them and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say, clearly they imply they seek a country; If they had been mindful of that from which they came out, they had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly; Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; because he has prepared a city "(Hebrews 11: 13-16).
They just looked by far the gospel of Christ, but believed it, they longed for a better country, that of heaven.
How could they crave something? For the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them. You can understand? When you read Hebrews 11 to fill you with false promises and power lies in your heart, you know that the testimony of faith of those men was to believe that justifies the ungodly, was to believe in the Son of God who gave himself to save them from justice of God.
The Lord said something about:
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it and was glad" (John 8:56)
You can understand? Where was the joy of Abraham? To believe in the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God given for the forgiveness of sins, but you have to know that Abraham, Moses and every one of these men were aware of their evil, they never saw any justice in them, but they understood the condition of man and thus could appreciate the grace and love of God.
Where is your joy and your faith?
"What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it he was counted for righteousness.
But to him that worketh not reckoned as of grace, but of debt; But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness "(Romans 4: 1-5).
Abraham believed that justifies the wicked, but he knew it was wicked and the Lord was his only hope.
God bless you.
Justified by faith in Jesus Christ
God bless you.
When the Bible says that man is not justified by works of the law, it is not referring to the rites and ceremonies of the law, but to the inability we have to obey the holy and moral law of God.
Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses, this means deviation, intentional mistake, voluntary offense.
If we believed, we are justified, that is considered and shown before the innocent and righteous Father, through the obedience of Jesus Christ who was resurrected.
Listen to this well; on the cross God manifested his justice, ie their equity, their character. If you want to know the character of the Lord, look at the Cross and meditate on the words of Jesus, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So you were God if you have repented, but if you have not done so is your condition before Him, you can not not look, the hates sin.
Look to the Cross and fear God, because it is the greatest manifestation of his character, remember that Christ was delivered for your transgression.
Woe to those who do not repent!
Empty your heart of any boasting, you are not saved because they belong to an institution or because a man simply tells you, you are saved if you recognized him how sinful you are, recognize that you are not worthy of God, but cry out like the publican mercy and God will show you a favorable attitude only by his grace.
This positive attitude has been shown in the person of Jesus Christ is preached through the gospel, it is the justification of God set before you.
His kindness want to lead you to repentance, but if you despise not expect to move a finger for you, all you have left is the total abandonment of his party.
Do not forget to meditate on his display in the Cross of Christ character.
God bless you.
When the Bible says that man is not justified by works of the law, it is not referring to the rites and ceremonies of the law, but to the inability we have to obey the holy and moral law of God.
Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses, this means deviation, intentional mistake, voluntary offense.
If we believed, we are justified, that is considered and shown before the innocent and righteous Father, through the obedience of Jesus Christ who was resurrected.
Listen to this well; on the cross God manifested his justice, ie their equity, their character. If you want to know the character of the Lord, look at the Cross and meditate on the words of Jesus, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So you were God if you have repented, but if you have not done so is your condition before Him, you can not not look, the hates sin.
Look to the Cross and fear God, because it is the greatest manifestation of his character, remember that Christ was delivered for your transgression.
Woe to those who do not repent!
Empty your heart of any boasting, you are not saved because they belong to an institution or because a man simply tells you, you are saved if you recognized him how sinful you are, recognize that you are not worthy of God, but cry out like the publican mercy and God will show you a favorable attitude only by his grace.
This positive attitude has been shown in the person of Jesus Christ is preached through the gospel, it is the justification of God set before you.
His kindness want to lead you to repentance, but if you despise not expect to move a finger for you, all you have left is the total abandonment of his party.
Do not forget to meditate on his display in the Cross of Christ character.
God bless you.
lunes, 20 de junio de 2016
Live as if it were the last day
Knowing that the Lord has given us to carry his gospel, it is very gratifying for me to share with you these words, I wish with all my heart that they hear you can share with others every word of God.
Nowadays we can see how a very deep spiritual slumber has taken the minds and hearts of the great majority of "Christians" and the world. It is very surprising to see how the customs and traditions and religious men are paramount and unshakeable and are above God's will, they never forget dates and practice them.
We see thousands of people are waiting with great anxiety the "campaigns" organized by the "church" waiting to be partakers of the same with a terrible hope that there is salvation and blessing of God for them, have the dates engraved in their hearts, and are prepared days before and throughout the duration of that "purpose" they are blameless, seek with great diligence not break in any action that point, because if they were to break it their hearts feel guilt and sadness.
We see others as and dates of processions to fulana virgin such or "holy" mengano, on that day their hearts are filled with "faith" of "hope", walk hours to reach the site are scheduled where dwells that piece of stone carved in the likeness of man woman or perhaps depends on the "holy" on duty.
They come and they are convinced that a "miracle" will happen, some even see supernatural "stuff", burns the heart of them by touching the stone shaped woman, excited to tears with music and "prayers" that are made, they surrender at the feet of that image to ask for a "favor" and fulfill their "promises".
But they do not understand that those images can not see, hear, feel and even rise, because there is no spirit in them, so they need the men to stand up and make it walk, with all this that crowd believes that piece of stone is to lift their lives, what crazy not? How a stone that can not even stand up alone will be able to lift someone's life?
But they do not forget to go and even feel bad if they do not go; many say the virgin chastised me for not going to see it.
But then we are crazy and incoherent when we talk about a living God and of His coming, but they are "smart" lighting candles and praying to a stone or a wood like God.
We see others that mechanically pray every night and hang on their necks despetar an amulet or an image, you can not forget this, because otherwise the day will no longer be the same. And at night other they spray their beds and their children with the "holy water" for God to "protect".
are also those who have by sacred go every Sunday to church, can not miss, but what it used to be a watch on Sunday if the rest of the day live my way? They are also those who make God a bingo and big business, handsome and invest this and say, "Thy God have an obligation to give me what I ask," obviously never ask: Lord teach me to please you and understand you !, but they obey their leaders teach that God is with those practices cornered between the sword and wall, no escape, rather than fulfill our desire, our dream.
OMG! As I write pieces of my heart is so perverción.
Now he is approaching 25 December and most will celebrate Christmas, and are prepared to assemble the tree and the crib with the "child" Jesus. No one can forget this date because it makes us more "Christian" than ever celebrate Christmas.
Which incidentally I find no passage in the Bible to support this party, nor do I find that the Christian church that speaks the Bible has held this party, nor that the Lord Jesus has commanded us to celebrate this event. What a coincidence that officially the "Christmas" has been started to celebrate in "Christianity" in the century where Constantine was emperor of Rome and Pope Julius I the pontiff. "What a duo Christian"! And what a coincidence that in Rome celebrate the birth December 25 (Nativity) del Sol Invictus. But today there are pastors who claim that there is nothing wrong with this party that we honor the Great I Am.
My question is: can anyone have eternal birth date? The one who said I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last can have birth? The one who said I am before Abraham, when he was born? The one who told the father to glorify him with the glory he had at his side before the world was, dates of birth? So that's what I celebrate? I not be celebrating the birth of a pagan god ?. All I read in the Bible that Jesus asked us to do in his memory is the sacrament. A Christian rejoices and honor the Lord all the days of his life, so 24 and 25 for me is a day like any day, because every day I love the Lord in my heart.
I am certain that God is a "party" that is not their will can not give him glory, because it is not written, will be forgotten God tell us that we should celebrate Christmas ?. For the misconception that Christmas honors Christ, others also claim that their "visions" are God and honor, is the same spirit of deception, because many "visions" in light of the Bible are revealed, as that christmas, but they justify it by saying what's wrong? If it is for "glory" of God.
How much hypocrisy there is in this feast, because those who gather the least do is to honor God, is pure religious tradition. After each follows his own life.
Christians then passes them as the Lord and his disciples when they came the religious of the time and the disciples were offended because they broke the traditions of them, but the Lord made it clear that they they broke the commandments of God by their traditions.
Today is equally offended and call you not Christian by not celebrate this holiday, but they break with the party and with all its traditions the true Word of God.
Young people today are not forgotten that every weekend should join his friends in bars, at home, to have fun, live life, be happy, talk about corrupt things. They will not break or on a Saturday for the world, they say, "anything can cancel but in no way go dancing." Included young "Christian" because there are Cristotecas, Yes! escuhaste well, they will not break or a Saturday meeting of the young group, because there is the least they receive the spiritual, but all carnal.
Because today you have to win young people with what they like, then we should not be light, but act as darkness so as not to offend and attend the meeting without knowing that we are Christians, the brothers truth so much effort if already in the light of what is in your hearts from the moment they decide to break the Word of God for their ideas.
If only these young people understand what the real life, I have certainty that would run from these customs and live every day meditating and walking in true peace.
In Christianity today expect a crusade "anointed" waiting for a miracle of God with great anxiety. Others wait with great solicitude the book launch of fulano author of such say "woohoo" what a blessing this book !. Just go running out to buy it and the Bible every time unless read in your room.
I could go on citing other examples but not end more, but this is seen in this world.
But what is not are watching and you really have to worry about is to live every day as if it were the last day in this world.
But all these people have in common one thing: "to be a Christian and believe in God."
My question is: Do you really believe in the return of the Lord Jesus? Is he watching in everything by prayer and Bible reading?
Of course not! They seem that many are in a deep sleep which seem not wake, nor have the slightest intention of doing so. The truth is very nice sleep, but when there is a responsibility we wake up, get up, do not wash and we conduct our obligations every day, Then the more we will not wake up from this mortal dream !? As Christians is a must wake up and live soberly! In the world much sleep can cost us a job, but spiritually understands that we can cost nothing less than the destruction of our soul!
When we got up first thing we do is pray to God to deliver us from all evil and help us to walk all day with him? Or do we get up and do all our stuff first and left but never pray? During the day we pray to God, we honor you, we glorify four walls in secret? I doubt it, because if not waking in the morning give thanks and do not delight in God, it is very difficult to do in the day.
Do you feel our souls hunger for God's Word? Because our physical body has the need to eat every day with food, it makes us feel hungry, because it is their nature. Those born of God also feel this hunger for the spiritual food, which is the Word of God, can not stop reading even a day.
Now if we claim to be Christians and not touch the Bible, we do not feel that hunger and are only expected to reach a Sunday to "read"; we are in serious trouble.
The problem is that is not recorded in our heart that the Lord Jesus will return, it is believed only word, is not in the heart of that day can be every day that we live.
To pray to God night before bed? because their return can be while we are sleeping.
Urgent we allow the Light of Christ shine us and bring this light to others.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them it is shameful even to mention what they do in secret But all things, when they are exposed by the light are made manifest;. Because . light is what makes manifest Therefore he says:
Awake, you who sleep,
And arise from the dead,
And Christ will shine
See then that ye walk diligently, not as fools but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord "(Ephesians 6: 11-17).
So live practicing traditions, customs and a lot of things but we forget to do the will of God, we miss his love and mercy.
is fashionable today want God to be like us, your character is ours, he understands our attitudes, but do not want to turn to God, but we want our deluded a God of our imagination.
When someone scolds some tradition, ugh! We seem we got a bear that stole her puppies! Offended, they do not call Christian, of not having faith and many other things.
Are we walked wisely in this world practicing such things? Do we understand all these things which is God's will? The answer is more than clear, NO !! Because if there was understanding there would be so many customs and traditions, but would the will of God in our works.
The Lord Jesus warned us a parable and knowing that many fall into this deep sleep.
"Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you think not.
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say that over all his possessions will put But if that evil servant says in his heart. My lord tarrieth; and shall begin to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with drunkards, the lord of that servant day will come that he does not expect and at an hour he does not know, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth "(Matthew 24: 44-51).
So you're seeing that it is anything but watch doing God's will, relatively speaking is happening what happened to the disciples that night in the Getsamaní.
The Lord told them to pray and watch over not to enter into temptation, because the Spirit is always ready to truth but the flesh was weak, but their eyes were heavy. The Lord says "could you not watch even one hour with me." But today the situation is more worrying because it is a spiritual and mortal dream.
Precisely this spiritual dream is what makes us weak and keeps us only a facade of Christian, but I really do not know God.
A true Christian living each day as if it were the last, monitored in everything by prayer and seeks walk the path of life illuminated by the Light of the Word of God.
Beyond all things to do, the true Christian is first to God in your heart, because that voice that said, "Surely I am coming soon" is always present with fire in his heart and the greatest desire is that if you live for that moment you can be firm waiting for the crown of life and if you want to sleep before Christ, so that in that day upon hearing the sound of a trumpet is up to eternal resurrection.
Brothers live every day as if it were the last, for that every day may be the last, it is more real than what others think.
Those who love his coming will not let this spiritual dream that has put the devil to sleep, but that will always be like a sentinel awaiting the return of the Lord.
Keep the lamp of our hearts burning with oil is the Holy Spirit.
Every day the doors of the Kingdom of God is open in front of you, take advantage while there is time, lest you be surprised that day, the door is shut and stay out, I assure you if you have ever experienced a moment of despair yet remembering now puts you goosebumps, I tell you that if you're out that comparison will not despair of being excluded from the Kingdom.
"Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom Five of them were wise and five foolish foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them.. But the wise took oil in . their vessels with their lamps While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.!. and the foolish said unto the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are gone But the wise answered, saying not enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves But.. .! while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door closed Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open But he answered and said Verily I say to you, I do not know. Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of man cometh "(Matthew 25: 1-13).
Blessed be God who tells us: Come to my kingdom!
It is very close to the day when many will reign with Christ for ever and ever and others will be tormented by the devil and his angels for ever and ever.
"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, righteous still: and he that is holy let him be holy still.
Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to recompesar to each according to his work "(Revelation 22: 11-12).
What group you want to be? What so far has professed and practiced made you clean and fair?
Live every day as if it were your last!
The Blood of Jesus cleanses you and makes you right through the unfeigned faith of unfruitful works but of faith that bears witness to the heart of Jesus will return.
God bless you.
Knowing that the Lord has given us to carry his gospel, it is very gratifying for me to share with you these words, I wish with all my heart that they hear you can share with others every word of God.
Nowadays we can see how a very deep spiritual slumber has taken the minds and hearts of the great majority of "Christians" and the world. It is very surprising to see how the customs and traditions and religious men are paramount and unshakeable and are above God's will, they never forget dates and practice them.
We see thousands of people are waiting with great anxiety the "campaigns" organized by the "church" waiting to be partakers of the same with a terrible hope that there is salvation and blessing of God for them, have the dates engraved in their hearts, and are prepared days before and throughout the duration of that "purpose" they are blameless, seek with great diligence not break in any action that point, because if they were to break it their hearts feel guilt and sadness.
We see others as and dates of processions to fulana virgin such or "holy" mengano, on that day their hearts are filled with "faith" of "hope", walk hours to reach the site are scheduled where dwells that piece of stone carved in the likeness of man woman or perhaps depends on the "holy" on duty.
They come and they are convinced that a "miracle" will happen, some even see supernatural "stuff", burns the heart of them by touching the stone shaped woman, excited to tears with music and "prayers" that are made, they surrender at the feet of that image to ask for a "favor" and fulfill their "promises".
But they do not understand that those images can not see, hear, feel and even rise, because there is no spirit in them, so they need the men to stand up and make it walk, with all this that crowd believes that piece of stone is to lift their lives, what crazy not? How a stone that can not even stand up alone will be able to lift someone's life?
But they do not forget to go and even feel bad if they do not go; many say the virgin chastised me for not going to see it.
But then we are crazy and incoherent when we talk about a living God and of His coming, but they are "smart" lighting candles and praying to a stone or a wood like God.
We see others that mechanically pray every night and hang on their necks despetar an amulet or an image, you can not forget this, because otherwise the day will no longer be the same. And at night other they spray their beds and their children with the "holy water" for God to "protect".
are also those who have by sacred go every Sunday to church, can not miss, but what it used to be a watch on Sunday if the rest of the day live my way? They are also those who make God a bingo and big business, handsome and invest this and say, "Thy God have an obligation to give me what I ask," obviously never ask: Lord teach me to please you and understand you !, but they obey their leaders teach that God is with those practices cornered between the sword and wall, no escape, rather than fulfill our desire, our dream.
OMG! As I write pieces of my heart is so perverción.
Now he is approaching 25 December and most will celebrate Christmas, and are prepared to assemble the tree and the crib with the "child" Jesus. No one can forget this date because it makes us more "Christian" than ever celebrate Christmas.
Which incidentally I find no passage in the Bible to support this party, nor do I find that the Christian church that speaks the Bible has held this party, nor that the Lord Jesus has commanded us to celebrate this event. What a coincidence that officially the "Christmas" has been started to celebrate in "Christianity" in the century where Constantine was emperor of Rome and Pope Julius I the pontiff. "What a duo Christian"! And what a coincidence that in Rome celebrate the birth December 25 (Nativity) del Sol Invictus. But today there are pastors who claim that there is nothing wrong with this party that we honor the Great I Am.
My question is: can anyone have eternal birth date? The one who said I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last can have birth? The one who said I am before Abraham, when he was born? The one who told the father to glorify him with the glory he had at his side before the world was, dates of birth? So that's what I celebrate? I not be celebrating the birth of a pagan god ?. All I read in the Bible that Jesus asked us to do in his memory is the sacrament. A Christian rejoices and honor the Lord all the days of his life, so 24 and 25 for me is a day like any day, because every day I love the Lord in my heart.
I am certain that God is a "party" that is not their will can not give him glory, because it is not written, will be forgotten God tell us that we should celebrate Christmas ?. For the misconception that Christmas honors Christ, others also claim that their "visions" are God and honor, is the same spirit of deception, because many "visions" in light of the Bible are revealed, as that christmas, but they justify it by saying what's wrong? If it is for "glory" of God.
How much hypocrisy there is in this feast, because those who gather the least do is to honor God, is pure religious tradition. After each follows his own life.
Christians then passes them as the Lord and his disciples when they came the religious of the time and the disciples were offended because they broke the traditions of them, but the Lord made it clear that they they broke the commandments of God by their traditions.
Today is equally offended and call you not Christian by not celebrate this holiday, but they break with the party and with all its traditions the true Word of God.
Young people today are not forgotten that every weekend should join his friends in bars, at home, to have fun, live life, be happy, talk about corrupt things. They will not break or on a Saturday for the world, they say, "anything can cancel but in no way go dancing." Included young "Christian" because there are Cristotecas, Yes! escuhaste well, they will not break or a Saturday meeting of the young group, because there is the least they receive the spiritual, but all carnal.
Because today you have to win young people with what they like, then we should not be light, but act as darkness so as not to offend and attend the meeting without knowing that we are Christians, the brothers truth so much effort if already in the light of what is in your hearts from the moment they decide to break the Word of God for their ideas.
If only these young people understand what the real life, I have certainty that would run from these customs and live every day meditating and walking in true peace.
In Christianity today expect a crusade "anointed" waiting for a miracle of God with great anxiety. Others wait with great solicitude the book launch of fulano author of such say "woohoo" what a blessing this book !. Just go running out to buy it and the Bible every time unless read in your room.
I could go on citing other examples but not end more, but this is seen in this world.
But what is not are watching and you really have to worry about is to live every day as if it were the last day in this world.
But all these people have in common one thing: "to be a Christian and believe in God."
My question is: Do you really believe in the return of the Lord Jesus? Is he watching in everything by prayer and Bible reading?
Of course not! They seem that many are in a deep sleep which seem not wake, nor have the slightest intention of doing so. The truth is very nice sleep, but when there is a responsibility we wake up, get up, do not wash and we conduct our obligations every day, Then the more we will not wake up from this mortal dream !? As Christians is a must wake up and live soberly! In the world much sleep can cost us a job, but spiritually understands that we can cost nothing less than the destruction of our soul!
When we got up first thing we do is pray to God to deliver us from all evil and help us to walk all day with him? Or do we get up and do all our stuff first and left but never pray? During the day we pray to God, we honor you, we glorify four walls in secret? I doubt it, because if not waking in the morning give thanks and do not delight in God, it is very difficult to do in the day.
Do you feel our souls hunger for God's Word? Because our physical body has the need to eat every day with food, it makes us feel hungry, because it is their nature. Those born of God also feel this hunger for the spiritual food, which is the Word of God, can not stop reading even a day.
Now if we claim to be Christians and not touch the Bible, we do not feel that hunger and are only expected to reach a Sunday to "read"; we are in serious trouble.
The problem is that is not recorded in our heart that the Lord Jesus will return, it is believed only word, is not in the heart of that day can be every day that we live.
To pray to God night before bed? because their return can be while we are sleeping.
Urgent we allow the Light of Christ shine us and bring this light to others.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them it is shameful even to mention what they do in secret But all things, when they are exposed by the light are made manifest;. Because . light is what makes manifest Therefore he says:
Awake, you who sleep,
And arise from the dead,
And Christ will shine
See then that ye walk diligently, not as fools but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord "(Ephesians 6: 11-17).
So live practicing traditions, customs and a lot of things but we forget to do the will of God, we miss his love and mercy.
is fashionable today want God to be like us, your character is ours, he understands our attitudes, but do not want to turn to God, but we want our deluded a God of our imagination.
When someone scolds some tradition, ugh! We seem we got a bear that stole her puppies! Offended, they do not call Christian, of not having faith and many other things.
Are we walked wisely in this world practicing such things? Do we understand all these things which is God's will? The answer is more than clear, NO !! Because if there was understanding there would be so many customs and traditions, but would the will of God in our works.
The Lord Jesus warned us a parable and knowing that many fall into this deep sleep.
"Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you think not.
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say that over all his possessions will put But if that evil servant says in his heart. My lord tarrieth; and shall begin to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with drunkards, the lord of that servant day will come that he does not expect and at an hour he does not know, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth "(Matthew 24: 44-51).
So you're seeing that it is anything but watch doing God's will, relatively speaking is happening what happened to the disciples that night in the Getsamaní.
The Lord told them to pray and watch over not to enter into temptation, because the Spirit is always ready to truth but the flesh was weak, but their eyes were heavy. The Lord says "could you not watch even one hour with me." But today the situation is more worrying because it is a spiritual and mortal dream.
Precisely this spiritual dream is what makes us weak and keeps us only a facade of Christian, but I really do not know God.
A true Christian living each day as if it were the last, monitored in everything by prayer and seeks walk the path of life illuminated by the Light of the Word of God.
Beyond all things to do, the true Christian is first to God in your heart, because that voice that said, "Surely I am coming soon" is always present with fire in his heart and the greatest desire is that if you live for that moment you can be firm waiting for the crown of life and if you want to sleep before Christ, so that in that day upon hearing the sound of a trumpet is up to eternal resurrection.
Brothers live every day as if it were the last, for that every day may be the last, it is more real than what others think.
Those who love his coming will not let this spiritual dream that has put the devil to sleep, but that will always be like a sentinel awaiting the return of the Lord.
Keep the lamp of our hearts burning with oil is the Holy Spirit.
Every day the doors of the Kingdom of God is open in front of you, take advantage while there is time, lest you be surprised that day, the door is shut and stay out, I assure you if you have ever experienced a moment of despair yet remembering now puts you goosebumps, I tell you that if you're out that comparison will not despair of being excluded from the Kingdom.
"Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom Five of them were wise and five foolish foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them.. But the wise took oil in . their vessels with their lamps While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.!. and the foolish said unto the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are gone But the wise answered, saying not enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves But.. .! while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door closed Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open But he answered and said Verily I say to you, I do not know. Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of man cometh "(Matthew 25: 1-13).
Blessed be God who tells us: Come to my kingdom!
It is very close to the day when many will reign with Christ for ever and ever and others will be tormented by the devil and his angels for ever and ever.
"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, righteous still: and he that is holy let him be holy still.
Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to recompesar to each according to his work "(Revelation 22: 11-12).
What group you want to be? What so far has professed and practiced made you clean and fair?
Live every day as if it were your last!
The Blood of Jesus cleanses you and makes you right through the unfeigned faith of unfruitful works but of faith that bears witness to the heart of Jesus will return.
God bless you.
sábado, 18 de junio de 2016
Love of God, the most excellent way
Good night, God bless in His Son Jesus Christ. May these words be to your advantage.
How much difference there is between the Church of the Lord Jesus from Biblical times and the "churches" of our day.
The huge difference is that that church in the days of Paul, John and Peter had a head to Christ, who poured out His Spirit God's love in their hearts, because the church is not a temple, but every sincere person loves God, we are a temple to God and are like a stone that builds the spiritual church, which will be taken by the Lord on his return, which glorifies here on earth, which is not stained by this world, which does not wrinkle by false doctrines, but that remains faithful to her Lord until his coming.
Quite the opposite happens with congregations today, that not being Christ the Head, but another man, they are private and never receive such a spill.
All the works of the Lord's true Church were made by the faith that works by love, this is the love of God poured into our hearts, because it is useless to belong to a "church" or have a title if the love of God it is in us.
"For we through the Spirit, by faith the hope of righteousness: for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love" (Galatians 5: 5-6).
Hope to one day be in the Kingdom of Heaven is vain without Love of God in us.
"Churches" today only have to show solutions physical nature and material are busily show people that everything can be in this world, just give in exchange for not really love souls simply because God's Love I was not poured into their hearts, they forget the poor, the sick, those who are in power of the devil.
Its members take their time to obey what they are told to do and filling the crusades or campaigns "anointed" shift, while every day people die without God and lost, the worst they die within their same "churches" are spiritually dead. They want attention proclaiming miracles, signs and wonders and great faith, but are far from the Kingdom of God.
? "Then one of the scribes that had heard them disputing, knowing that he answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all your mind and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment and the second is like... you shall love . thy neighbor as thyself there is no other commandment greater than these and the scribe said to him. Well, Teacher, in truth thou hast spoken that there is one God, and there is no other besides him and love him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all your soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as oneself, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him. you are not far from kingdom of God "(Mark 12: 28-34).
It is no coincidence that the two most important commandments are as essence Love, because you can not love God without His Spirit have received from His love; we can not love our neighbor if God poured out his love on us.
One day I realized that the love I thought I had God was nothing more than an imitation of evil, there was no consistency in that false love, because on one hand I preached faith, prayed for healing, deliverance, he was to evangelize, fasted, had the full meetings, many people were with hope and a smile on his face, everything seemed perfect, but when the Lord made me open my eyes to my surprise, actually I was killing all those people, was cheating, them was closing the kingdom of heaven because they had a false gospel, then I realized that all the works I did were not for the faith that works by love, but were lacking works of meaning that can not save anyone, it does not take to know God, dead works that respond to the letter, whose specialist preaching the letter is the devil by the mouth of his ministers, I heard those empty "teachings", and we all know that the letter kills us.
Many "churches" are preaching only letter not quickens anyone.
The Lord saw that the scribe replied wisely, he says, "You are not far from the kingdom of God"
Dear brother, How close or far are the Kingdom of God? The truth is that if you love God with all your strength then only hear his word, but if you do not have to know that God's love was not shed in you and consequently can not love your neighbor with love of God, though all the works that you carry out make you feel good, that joy is yours alone, is not the joy or the joy that God feels and shares with you in your heart.
Many feel good about what they are doing, but God is not pleased with these works, because you must understand that if you do not give the true, can not please God.
Only when the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts his love will truly love God and our neighbor, only then it will make sense only everything we do because our faith will work by love and our joy will be complete.
Are you in a church ?, What is your priority? What do they teach you? What are you trying? Does your church follow the steps of the Church of the Bible?
I want you to know that if you're reading this message it may be an opportunity to reflect, to make a decision even if it means taking a step to the side of the church you attend or which you serve and start from scratch.
Allow God pour out His love in your heart, seek it with all your strength.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us "(Romans 5: 1-5).
My heart longs both that church of Biblical times, but I have certainty that church is scattered throughout the world, is not popular, is not shouting from the rooftops what he is doing, which shows the "evidence" occurring, but is working quietly, not touching trumpet, God who sees in secret, working hard for the Kingdom and its Justice being rewarded, which groans therefore spiritual deception, weeping for lost souls, which faithfully the expected return of their Lord which is his head.
The true church of God walks the most excellent way which is love, while the synagogues of Satan who claim to be "church of God" walk down a path of death one can imitate some things like faith, miracles, signs, healings, deliverances and to preaching, but can never imitate or have the love of God, the Gift par excellence, the engine of all the works of the true church of God, the love that allows us to see what wrong and exhort, the that leaves us delight in injustice. But in the synagogues of Satan everything is permitted, no justice, no balance, no order, and above all there is no holiness. Can you have holiness without love of God?
"Covet earnestly the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way" (1 Corinthians 12:31).
"If I speak in human and angelic tongues, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never stops being; but prophecies will be abolished and tongues will cease, and science end. We know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect, then what is in part will be over come. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when I became a man, I stopped what I was child. Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love "(1 Corinthians 13: 1-12).
May God pour out His love in our hearts to walk down this path.
God bless you.
Good night, God bless in His Son Jesus Christ. May these words be to your advantage.
How much difference there is between the Church of the Lord Jesus from Biblical times and the "churches" of our day.
The huge difference is that that church in the days of Paul, John and Peter had a head to Christ, who poured out His Spirit God's love in their hearts, because the church is not a temple, but every sincere person loves God, we are a temple to God and are like a stone that builds the spiritual church, which will be taken by the Lord on his return, which glorifies here on earth, which is not stained by this world, which does not wrinkle by false doctrines, but that remains faithful to her Lord until his coming.
Quite the opposite happens with congregations today, that not being Christ the Head, but another man, they are private and never receive such a spill.
All the works of the Lord's true Church were made by the faith that works by love, this is the love of God poured into our hearts, because it is useless to belong to a "church" or have a title if the love of God it is in us.
"For we through the Spirit, by faith the hope of righteousness: for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love" (Galatians 5: 5-6).
Hope to one day be in the Kingdom of Heaven is vain without Love of God in us.
"Churches" today only have to show solutions physical nature and material are busily show people that everything can be in this world, just give in exchange for not really love souls simply because God's Love I was not poured into their hearts, they forget the poor, the sick, those who are in power of the devil.
Its members take their time to obey what they are told to do and filling the crusades or campaigns "anointed" shift, while every day people die without God and lost, the worst they die within their same "churches" are spiritually dead. They want attention proclaiming miracles, signs and wonders and great faith, but are far from the Kingdom of God.
? "Then one of the scribes that had heard them disputing, knowing that he answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all your mind and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment and the second is like... you shall love . thy neighbor as thyself there is no other commandment greater than these and the scribe said to him. Well, Teacher, in truth thou hast spoken that there is one God, and there is no other besides him and love him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all your soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as oneself, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him. you are not far from kingdom of God "(Mark 12: 28-34).
It is no coincidence that the two most important commandments are as essence Love, because you can not love God without His Spirit have received from His love; we can not love our neighbor if God poured out his love on us.
One day I realized that the love I thought I had God was nothing more than an imitation of evil, there was no consistency in that false love, because on one hand I preached faith, prayed for healing, deliverance, he was to evangelize, fasted, had the full meetings, many people were with hope and a smile on his face, everything seemed perfect, but when the Lord made me open my eyes to my surprise, actually I was killing all those people, was cheating, them was closing the kingdom of heaven because they had a false gospel, then I realized that all the works I did were not for the faith that works by love, but were lacking works of meaning that can not save anyone, it does not take to know God, dead works that respond to the letter, whose specialist preaching the letter is the devil by the mouth of his ministers, I heard those empty "teachings", and we all know that the letter kills us.
Many "churches" are preaching only letter not quickens anyone.
The Lord saw that the scribe replied wisely, he says, "You are not far from the kingdom of God"
Dear brother, How close or far are the Kingdom of God? The truth is that if you love God with all your strength then only hear his word, but if you do not have to know that God's love was not shed in you and consequently can not love your neighbor with love of God, though all the works that you carry out make you feel good, that joy is yours alone, is not the joy or the joy that God feels and shares with you in your heart.
Many feel good about what they are doing, but God is not pleased with these works, because you must understand that if you do not give the true, can not please God.
Only when the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts his love will truly love God and our neighbor, only then it will make sense only everything we do because our faith will work by love and our joy will be complete.
Are you in a church ?, What is your priority? What do they teach you? What are you trying? Does your church follow the steps of the Church of the Bible?
I want you to know that if you're reading this message it may be an opportunity to reflect, to make a decision even if it means taking a step to the side of the church you attend or which you serve and start from scratch.
Allow God pour out His love in your heart, seek it with all your strength.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us "(Romans 5: 1-5).
My heart longs both that church of Biblical times, but I have certainty that church is scattered throughout the world, is not popular, is not shouting from the rooftops what he is doing, which shows the "evidence" occurring, but is working quietly, not touching trumpet, God who sees in secret, working hard for the Kingdom and its Justice being rewarded, which groans therefore spiritual deception, weeping for lost souls, which faithfully the expected return of their Lord which is his head.
The true church of God walks the most excellent way which is love, while the synagogues of Satan who claim to be "church of God" walk down a path of death one can imitate some things like faith, miracles, signs, healings, deliverances and to preaching, but can never imitate or have the love of God, the Gift par excellence, the engine of all the works of the true church of God, the love that allows us to see what wrong and exhort, the that leaves us delight in injustice. But in the synagogues of Satan everything is permitted, no justice, no balance, no order, and above all there is no holiness. Can you have holiness without love of God?
"Covet earnestly the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way" (1 Corinthians 12:31).
"If I speak in human and angelic tongues, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never stops being; but prophecies will be abolished and tongues will cease, and science end. We know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect, then what is in part will be over come. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when I became a man, I stopped what I was child. Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love "(1 Corinthians 13: 1-12).
May God pour out His love in our hearts to walk down this path.
God bless you.
miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016
As misericórdias de Deus na pessoa de Jesus Cristo
Romanos 12: 1)
O Apóstolo Paulo, está pedindo os irmãos a fazer algo que é muito difícil, ele não está pedindo dinheiro, nenhum carro, nenhuma rendição de suas casas, ou para entregar sua propriedade.
Paul está pedindo os irmãos para entregar suas próprias vidas, é maravilhoso quando lemos os primeiros 11 capítulos de Romanos, onde entendemos tudo o que Deus fez por Seu povo na pessoa de Jesus Cristo, uma vez que ele demonstrou tudo o que Deus fez em Cristo nos diz agora deve dar as suas vidas completamente.
Pelas misericórdias de Deus fez na pessoa de Cristo é que nós dar-nos totalmente!
Paulo está dizendo-lhes a perder suas vidas, a entregar tudo o que eles estão aos pés do Senhor.
As misericórdias de Deus na pessoa de Cristo! Este é o motor, a motivação da vida cristã, neste contexto é a que nos referimos acima, tendo compreendido o que foi feito através da pessoa de Jesus Cristo, acho que a verdadeira força e verdadeiro sentido de ser um cristão.
Na pessoa de Jesus Cristo e Sua obra na cruz, encontramos a verdadeira razão para amar e servir a Cristo.
Particularmente neste espaço, leia, por vezes, muitos cristãos dizem que estão triste, deprimido, desmotivado, você realmente não ter entendido, é impossible're imerso em esses sentimentos horríveis, isso acontece porque tudo que você faz é ir a uma reunião onde há uma abundância de música, que fala muito, onde é dito, acima da mente Deus ama você, como é que você entende o que quero dizer, o quanto você iria entender as misericórdias de Deus na pessoa de Cristo!
Mas de lá e que a motivação só vai durar alguns dias e voltar a sentir os mesmos sentimentos horríveis, esvaziá-la.
Onde é que a sua motivação? Onde o fogo que afirmam ter vindo?
O fogo, força e toda a verdadeira motivação vem de Cristo, pregamos a Cristo, a glória de Cristo, a glória da obra de Cristo na cruz, a glória de Deus através de Cristo na conversão de uma pessoa em um nova criatura.
Devemos procurar entender o que significa que Cristo morreu por nós.
Quando começamos a entender quem é Cristo eo que Ele fez por nós, nós nunca vamos mais precisar de outra motivação, outra força, outra alegria, Cristo será suficiente.
Há um fogo estranho hoje em dia, todo mundo está olhando agora para os motivos escrituras a respeito de porque eu olhar para Cristo, dizendo: "Eu servir a Cristo e encontrá-lo porque ele vai resolver a minha vida" se eu servir a Cristo vai me ajudar financeiramente, isso não deve ser.
Se você servir a Cristo, é porque ele é digno, Ele morreu por mim!
Pare de falar sobre dinheiro, carros, roupas, casa, negócio, fama, olhar apenas para este site, quantos são de que "Figura Pública" como se nada conseguir, e pretendem ser cristãos, somos chamados a ser famoso ou quer ser, por Deus entender, que é o orgulho do mundo, a vergonha teria que dar-lhes, Madonna coloca é "figura pública" toda a aparência mundana para essas coisas e ama, não percebem que eles são colocados no mesma altura, não deve ser tão nos santos filhos de Deus. É que o exemplo aprendeu de Cristo? Ele disse que a glória dos homens não recebeu, fez um milagre e pediu para ficar no oculto, mas era impossível, relatando das pessoas.
Sua figura pública que você começa? Você tem a profissão errada, você não foi chamado a servir a Cristo, se você quer fama, em seguida, siga o "famoso" deste mundo.
Nós falamos e procurar muito, pedir-lhes; Não é suficiente que Cristo morreu por nós?
O que importa se você tem dinheiro ou não, se eu sou conhecido ou não, que se preocupam com tudo isso, se Cristo morreu por mim, tudo o que importa para mim é ser conhecido por isto me enche de alegria em quatro paredes, onde ninguém me onde vê Eu não toco trompete, onde somente o Pai vê.
Cristo morreu por mim, por isso vamos adorá-lo, vamos trabalhar com as forças nos dá para que Sua antecedência Unido, precisamos de nenhuma outra razão, nenhuma outra razão, tudo é nada comparado com o que o meu Senhor tem feito por mim em que Cross.
Precisamos de verdade, precisamos de sã doutrina, precisamos do poder do Espírito Santo.
Por que a sua família sofre? Por que a sua sofre da igreja? Por que você se sofrer?
Está escrito: "O meu povo está sendo destruído por falta de conhecimento"
Eles estão preocupados em ter grandes visões, olhe o que nós precisamos é de conhecimento de quem é Deus e de sua vontade, onde há essa visão o povo sofre e é destruído.
Você quer ter a força ea razão para servir a Deus? Tudo o que precisamos é doutrina bíblica.
, A maioria do grupo juventude são completamente estéreis, já têm uma certa idade, você ainda vai jogar?
Deixe isso para as crianças, você deve aprender o que significa ser um homem bíblico não deve ir com outros jovens, mas com homens mais velhos, crentes que dão bom testemunho, a aprender.
Você não leu que onde muitos insensata loucura huddle propagação e aumenta?
Como muitos grupos de jovens exploram a estar juntos em todos os loucura, tudo porque eles são carnais, olhar para Timóteo, observa e ver o que Deus realmente quer de um jovem.
Eu acho que "muita diversão", mas que vai acabar nos matando.
Você tem que ir à igreja para se divertir, eles não podem levar nada a sério, temos visto muitos jovens "cristãos" em estados deploráveis.
Eles dizem que usam métodos para atrair os jovens para entrar na igreja. Olha, os jovens não vão entrar no céu para se divertir.
Faz sentido se o grupo jovem quando eles ficam todos eles encontram é divertido?
Eu sei muito bem os grupos de jovens não falam sem conhecimento.
Cada jovem precisa a verdade, você precisa da palavra de Deus, acorde, é hora de parar de ser uma criança deve ser madura, você deve entender que se você diz que seguir a Cristo, você deve levar a sério a Bíblia.
Eu não significa que se deve percorrer cerca de luto o dia todo, mas tem ido para um final muito ruim, onde a diversão ocupa um lugar grande.
Quando li Paul, que escreveu com lágrimas, ele pára para meditar.
Eu acho que nós não entendemos um quarto do que o inferno, um lugar onde muitas pessoas que estão na frente de você irá.
Vejam como somos quando alguém vem e nos diz que seu casamento ou finanças são errado, estamos diante de tristeza, ansiedade, mas sem lágrimas em segredo para as almas que vão para o inferno, não é esse fardo, não existe tal entendimento.
Olhe para os profetas, eles receberam o julgamento de Deus que o Senhor trouxe contra o seu povo, você pode imaginar isso? Eles tinham de anunciar uma e outra vez as pessoas na esperança de que eles ouviram, eles choraram para o povo, porque entenderam a seriedade do ministério e que Deus não joga, você acha que eles tiveram tempo para jogar? Como pode se divertir o tempo todo sabendo o que vai ocorrer? Tudo isso também tem a ver com a negar a si mesmo e perder a nossa vida para seguir a Cristo.
Young, Quanto tempo você gasta em oração e leitura e, em seguida, ir para outros jovens a pregar Jesus? Em comparação com o tempo que você gasta preparando para jogos e todas as coisas para divertir.
Não faz sentido ir à igreja, se você não fizer isso com a atitude certa, se você tem fome da palavra de Deus, se você não está sedento pela presença de Deus.
Eu poderia dizer-lhe, os jovens precisam de diversão, peço-vos, por favor me diga qual parte da Escritura diz.
Sou eu que podem se divertir? Sim, mas quando pensamos um grupo de jovens ou a igreja precisa de tão divertido que ele não existe, algo está errado.
Alegria no Senhor é divertido muito diferente hoje.
Ninguém pode estabelecer uma base que tem sido colocada, Jesus Cristo.
Deus te abençoe em Cristo Jesus.
O Apóstolo Paulo, está pedindo os irmãos a fazer algo que é muito difícil, ele não está pedindo dinheiro, nenhum carro, nenhuma rendição de suas casas, ou para entregar sua propriedade.
Paul está pedindo os irmãos para entregar suas próprias vidas, é maravilhoso quando lemos os primeiros 11 capítulos de Romanos, onde entendemos tudo o que Deus fez por Seu povo na pessoa de Jesus Cristo, uma vez que ele demonstrou tudo o que Deus fez em Cristo nos diz agora deve dar as suas vidas completamente.
Pelas misericórdias de Deus fez na pessoa de Cristo é que nós dar-nos totalmente!
Paulo está dizendo-lhes a perder suas vidas, a entregar tudo o que eles estão aos pés do Senhor.
As misericórdias de Deus na pessoa de Cristo! Este é o motor, a motivação da vida cristã, neste contexto é a que nos referimos acima, tendo compreendido o que foi feito através da pessoa de Jesus Cristo, acho que a verdadeira força e verdadeiro sentido de ser um cristão.
Na pessoa de Jesus Cristo e Sua obra na cruz, encontramos a verdadeira razão para amar e servir a Cristo.
Particularmente neste espaço, leia, por vezes, muitos cristãos dizem que estão triste, deprimido, desmotivado, você realmente não ter entendido, é impossible're imerso em esses sentimentos horríveis, isso acontece porque tudo que você faz é ir a uma reunião onde há uma abundância de música, que fala muito, onde é dito, acima da mente Deus ama você, como é que você entende o que quero dizer, o quanto você iria entender as misericórdias de Deus na pessoa de Cristo!
Mas de lá e que a motivação só vai durar alguns dias e voltar a sentir os mesmos sentimentos horríveis, esvaziá-la.
Onde é que a sua motivação? Onde o fogo que afirmam ter vindo?
O fogo, força e toda a verdadeira motivação vem de Cristo, pregamos a Cristo, a glória de Cristo, a glória da obra de Cristo na cruz, a glória de Deus através de Cristo na conversão de uma pessoa em um nova criatura.
Devemos procurar entender o que significa que Cristo morreu por nós.
Quando começamos a entender quem é Cristo eo que Ele fez por nós, nós nunca vamos mais precisar de outra motivação, outra força, outra alegria, Cristo será suficiente.
Há um fogo estranho hoje em dia, todo mundo está olhando agora para os motivos escrituras a respeito de porque eu olhar para Cristo, dizendo: "Eu servir a Cristo e encontrá-lo porque ele vai resolver a minha vida" se eu servir a Cristo vai me ajudar financeiramente, isso não deve ser.
Se você servir a Cristo, é porque ele é digno, Ele morreu por mim!
Pare de falar sobre dinheiro, carros, roupas, casa, negócio, fama, olhar apenas para este site, quantos são de que "Figura Pública" como se nada conseguir, e pretendem ser cristãos, somos chamados a ser famoso ou quer ser, por Deus entender, que é o orgulho do mundo, a vergonha teria que dar-lhes, Madonna coloca é "figura pública" toda a aparência mundana para essas coisas e ama, não percebem que eles são colocados no mesma altura, não deve ser tão nos santos filhos de Deus. É que o exemplo aprendeu de Cristo? Ele disse que a glória dos homens não recebeu, fez um milagre e pediu para ficar no oculto, mas era impossível, relatando das pessoas.
Sua figura pública que você começa? Você tem a profissão errada, você não foi chamado a servir a Cristo, se você quer fama, em seguida, siga o "famoso" deste mundo.
Nós falamos e procurar muito, pedir-lhes; Não é suficiente que Cristo morreu por nós?
O que importa se você tem dinheiro ou não, se eu sou conhecido ou não, que se preocupam com tudo isso, se Cristo morreu por mim, tudo o que importa para mim é ser conhecido por isto me enche de alegria em quatro paredes, onde ninguém me onde vê Eu não toco trompete, onde somente o Pai vê.
Cristo morreu por mim, por isso vamos adorá-lo, vamos trabalhar com as forças nos dá para que Sua antecedência Unido, precisamos de nenhuma outra razão, nenhuma outra razão, tudo é nada comparado com o que o meu Senhor tem feito por mim em que Cross.
Precisamos de verdade, precisamos de sã doutrina, precisamos do poder do Espírito Santo.
Por que a sua família sofre? Por que a sua sofre da igreja? Por que você se sofrer?
Está escrito: "O meu povo está sendo destruído por falta de conhecimento"
Eles estão preocupados em ter grandes visões, olhe o que nós precisamos é de conhecimento de quem é Deus e de sua vontade, onde há essa visão o povo sofre e é destruído.
Você quer ter a força ea razão para servir a Deus? Tudo o que precisamos é doutrina bíblica.
, A maioria do grupo juventude são completamente estéreis, já têm uma certa idade, você ainda vai jogar?
Deixe isso para as crianças, você deve aprender o que significa ser um homem bíblico não deve ir com outros jovens, mas com homens mais velhos, crentes que dão bom testemunho, a aprender.
Você não leu que onde muitos insensata loucura huddle propagação e aumenta?
Como muitos grupos de jovens exploram a estar juntos em todos os loucura, tudo porque eles são carnais, olhar para Timóteo, observa e ver o que Deus realmente quer de um jovem.
Eu acho que "muita diversão", mas que vai acabar nos matando.
Você tem que ir à igreja para se divertir, eles não podem levar nada a sério, temos visto muitos jovens "cristãos" em estados deploráveis.
Eles dizem que usam métodos para atrair os jovens para entrar na igreja. Olha, os jovens não vão entrar no céu para se divertir.
Faz sentido se o grupo jovem quando eles ficam todos eles encontram é divertido?
Eu sei muito bem os grupos de jovens não falam sem conhecimento.
Cada jovem precisa a verdade, você precisa da palavra de Deus, acorde, é hora de parar de ser uma criança deve ser madura, você deve entender que se você diz que seguir a Cristo, você deve levar a sério a Bíblia.
Eu não significa que se deve percorrer cerca de luto o dia todo, mas tem ido para um final muito ruim, onde a diversão ocupa um lugar grande.
Quando li Paul, que escreveu com lágrimas, ele pára para meditar.
Eu acho que nós não entendemos um quarto do que o inferno, um lugar onde muitas pessoas que estão na frente de você irá.
Vejam como somos quando alguém vem e nos diz que seu casamento ou finanças são errado, estamos diante de tristeza, ansiedade, mas sem lágrimas em segredo para as almas que vão para o inferno, não é esse fardo, não existe tal entendimento.
Olhe para os profetas, eles receberam o julgamento de Deus que o Senhor trouxe contra o seu povo, você pode imaginar isso? Eles tinham de anunciar uma e outra vez as pessoas na esperança de que eles ouviram, eles choraram para o povo, porque entenderam a seriedade do ministério e que Deus não joga, você acha que eles tiveram tempo para jogar? Como pode se divertir o tempo todo sabendo o que vai ocorrer? Tudo isso também tem a ver com a negar a si mesmo e perder a nossa vida para seguir a Cristo.
Young, Quanto tempo você gasta em oração e leitura e, em seguida, ir para outros jovens a pregar Jesus? Em comparação com o tempo que você gasta preparando para jogos e todas as coisas para divertir.
Não faz sentido ir à igreja, se você não fizer isso com a atitude certa, se você tem fome da palavra de Deus, se você não está sedento pela presença de Deus.
Eu poderia dizer-lhe, os jovens precisam de diversão, peço-vos, por favor me diga qual parte da Escritura diz.
Sou eu que podem se divertir? Sim, mas quando pensamos um grupo de jovens ou a igreja precisa de tão divertido que ele não existe, algo está errado.
Alegria no Senhor é divertido muito diferente hoje.
Ninguém pode estabelecer uma base que tem sido colocada, Jesus Cristo.
Deus te abençoe em Cristo Jesus.
God and riches
God and riches
(Matthew 6:24). In this little verse we can find a powerful message and a very uplifting teaching.
There are two words that are vital to fully understand the message of the Lord.
The first is "to serve" in the Greek origin, this word means "a slave to" either voluntarily or involuntarily.
The idea is subject or subordination.
So nobody can be subject or subordinate to God and also to riches. It is totally impossible.
Now, by appointing two masters in this verse?
To understand this we must know the meaning of the second critical word in this verse is "wealth"
This word means "Trust, ie deified wealth and greed personified."
When I give life and personified anything from this life in which I put all my attention and deep to the point that occupies my life affection, it is a grave sin.
Therefore idolatry in all its forms it is a serious sin.
A stone is dead, a wood like a man is dead and if raised because the gospel is not to make himself a treasure for others, but to collaborate on others to find true wealth, you do not need to No one life and identity, because he is the eternal, self-existent, and all his word is truth and life.
Why you should pay attention, lest you're following an invented character, because that the man shown in history as the inventor par excellence of this type of dead wealth but in our folly we give life. This is one reason why the Lord called him sir, because you are totally subject and subordinate to that man, which can be from an erroneous doctrine, to a habit that affects worship.
It is very important this subject, I say Christian and I show that I am a slave to one Lord. I want to tell you that the greatest danger is when we have succumbed to the taste of our flesh, doing what is pleasing to the Lord, but porfiamos to insist that we do not do anything wrong and do not realize how far we are hating God and believing that character dead, either doctrine, be a man, it is a custom or tradition, is a congregation or an idol.
This verse exposes any doctrine which has as its main message the love of money, a doctrine, a congregation or a man, this spirit is shared by both Catholicism, many evangelical and other denominations.
Let the other meaning, "deified greed"
Why Israel was so sinful that trust Egypt's army.
All that is the invention of man, where this puts his trust is sin, nothing is worth putting our trust, nor money, nor a man, nor material goods, absolutely nothing.
Trust lie all around you because you have personified the lie, the deified you, is your Lord, your God, and as such the lie try disregarding the true, one and only eternal God.
As you can serve the Lord in this way?
God have mercy on us all.
(Matthew 6:24). In this little verse we can find a powerful message and a very uplifting teaching.
There are two words that are vital to fully understand the message of the Lord.
The first is "to serve" in the Greek origin, this word means "a slave to" either voluntarily or involuntarily.
The idea is subject or subordination.
So nobody can be subject or subordinate to God and also to riches. It is totally impossible.
Now, by appointing two masters in this verse?
To understand this we must know the meaning of the second critical word in this verse is "wealth"
This word means "Trust, ie deified wealth and greed personified."
When I give life and personified anything from this life in which I put all my attention and deep to the point that occupies my life affection, it is a grave sin.
Therefore idolatry in all its forms it is a serious sin.
A stone is dead, a wood like a man is dead and if raised because the gospel is not to make himself a treasure for others, but to collaborate on others to find true wealth, you do not need to No one life and identity, because he is the eternal, self-existent, and all his word is truth and life.
Why you should pay attention, lest you're following an invented character, because that the man shown in history as the inventor par excellence of this type of dead wealth but in our folly we give life. This is one reason why the Lord called him sir, because you are totally subject and subordinate to that man, which can be from an erroneous doctrine, to a habit that affects worship.
It is very important this subject, I say Christian and I show that I am a slave to one Lord. I want to tell you that the greatest danger is when we have succumbed to the taste of our flesh, doing what is pleasing to the Lord, but porfiamos to insist that we do not do anything wrong and do not realize how far we are hating God and believing that character dead, either doctrine, be a man, it is a custom or tradition, is a congregation or an idol.
This verse exposes any doctrine which has as its main message the love of money, a doctrine, a congregation or a man, this spirit is shared by both Catholicism, many evangelical and other denominations.
Let the other meaning, "deified greed"
Why Israel was so sinful that trust Egypt's army.
All that is the invention of man, where this puts his trust is sin, nothing is worth putting our trust, nor money, nor a man, nor material goods, absolutely nothing.
Trust lie all around you because you have personified the lie, the deified you, is your Lord, your God, and as such the lie try disregarding the true, one and only eternal God.
As you can serve the Lord in this way?
God have mercy on us all.
Dios y las riquezas
Dios y las riquezas;
Los saludamos en Cristo Jesús.
(Mateo 6:24) . En este pequeño versículo podemos encontrar un poderoso mensaje y una enseñanza muy edificante.
Hay dos palabras que son vitales para comprender en profundidad el mensaje del Señor.
La primera es "servir" en el origen griego, esta palabra significa "ser esclavo a" ya sea involuntariamente o voluntariamente.
La idea es sujeción o subordinación.
O sea nadie puede estar sujeto o subordinado a Dios y a la vez a las riquezas. Es totalmente imposible.
Ahora, por qué se nombra a dos señores en este versículo?
Para entenderlo tenemos que conocer el significado de la segunda palabra vital en este versículo, que es "riquezas"
Esta palabra significa"Confianza, es decir riqueza personificada y avaricia deificada".
Cuando yo doy vida y personifico cualquier cosa de esta vida en el cual pongo toda mi atención y mi afecto profundo a tal punto que ocupa mi vida, es un pecado grave.
Por tal motivo la idolatría en todas sus formas es un pecado grave.
Una piedra es muerta, una madera igual, un hombre es muerto y si fuera resucitado por causa del evangelio no lo es para hacerse a si mismo un tesoro para los demás, sino para colaborar en que otros encuentren la verdadera riqueza, que no necesita que nadie le de vida e identidad, por cuanto El es El Eterno, auto Existente, y toda su palabra es verdad y vida.
Por eso que deberías prestar atención, no sea que estés siguiendo a un personaje inventado, porque para eso el hombre a demostrado en toda la historia ser el inventor por excelencia de este tipo de riqueza muerta pero que en nuestra insensatez le damos vida. Esta es una de las razones por la cual el Señor le llama señor, porque estás totalmente sujeto y subordinado a ese señor, que puede ser desde una doctrina errada, hasta una costumbre que afecte culto.
Es muy importante este tema, me digo cristiano y debo mostrar que soy esclavo de un único Señor. Quiero decirte que lo más peligroso es cuando ya hemos sucumbido al gusto de nuestra carne, haciendo lo que no es agradable al Señor, pero porfiamos en insistir que no hacemos nada malo y no nos damos cuenta lo cuanto estamos aborreciendo a Dios y estimando aquel personaje muerto, sea doctrina, sea un hombre, sea una costumbre o tradición, sea una congregación o un ídolo.
Este versículo desenmascara toda doctrina que tiene como su principal mensaje el amor al dinero, a una doctrina, a una congregación o a un hombre, este espíritu lo comparten tanto el catolicismo, muchos evangélicos y otras denominaciones.
Veamos el otro significado, "avaricia deificada"
Por eso era tan pecaminoso que Israel confiara en el ejército de Egypto.
Todo aquello que es invento del hombre, donde este pone su confianza es pecado, nada es digno de poner nuestra confianza, ni el dinero, ni un hombre, ni bienes materiales, absolutamente nada.
Confías en toda la mentira que te rodea porque has personificado esa mentira, la has deificado, es tu señor, tu dios y como tal tratas aquella mentira despreciando al verdadero, único e incomparable Dios eterno.
Como se puede servir al Señor de esta manera?
Dios tengo de todos nosotros misericordia.
Los saludamos en Cristo Jesús.
(Mateo 6:24) . En este pequeño versículo podemos encontrar un poderoso mensaje y una enseñanza muy edificante.
Hay dos palabras que son vitales para comprender en profundidad el mensaje del Señor.
La primera es "servir" en el origen griego, esta palabra significa "ser esclavo a" ya sea involuntariamente o voluntariamente.
La idea es sujeción o subordinación.
O sea nadie puede estar sujeto o subordinado a Dios y a la vez a las riquezas. Es totalmente imposible.
Ahora, por qué se nombra a dos señores en este versículo?
Para entenderlo tenemos que conocer el significado de la segunda palabra vital en este versículo, que es "riquezas"
Esta palabra significa"Confianza, es decir riqueza personificada y avaricia deificada".
Cuando yo doy vida y personifico cualquier cosa de esta vida en el cual pongo toda mi atención y mi afecto profundo a tal punto que ocupa mi vida, es un pecado grave.
Por tal motivo la idolatría en todas sus formas es un pecado grave.
Una piedra es muerta, una madera igual, un hombre es muerto y si fuera resucitado por causa del evangelio no lo es para hacerse a si mismo un tesoro para los demás, sino para colaborar en que otros encuentren la verdadera riqueza, que no necesita que nadie le de vida e identidad, por cuanto El es El Eterno, auto Existente, y toda su palabra es verdad y vida.
Por eso que deberías prestar atención, no sea que estés siguiendo a un personaje inventado, porque para eso el hombre a demostrado en toda la historia ser el inventor por excelencia de este tipo de riqueza muerta pero que en nuestra insensatez le damos vida. Esta es una de las razones por la cual el Señor le llama señor, porque estás totalmente sujeto y subordinado a ese señor, que puede ser desde una doctrina errada, hasta una costumbre que afecte culto.
Es muy importante este tema, me digo cristiano y debo mostrar que soy esclavo de un único Señor. Quiero decirte que lo más peligroso es cuando ya hemos sucumbido al gusto de nuestra carne, haciendo lo que no es agradable al Señor, pero porfiamos en insistir que no hacemos nada malo y no nos damos cuenta lo cuanto estamos aborreciendo a Dios y estimando aquel personaje muerto, sea doctrina, sea un hombre, sea una costumbre o tradición, sea una congregación o un ídolo.
Este versículo desenmascara toda doctrina que tiene como su principal mensaje el amor al dinero, a una doctrina, a una congregación o a un hombre, este espíritu lo comparten tanto el catolicismo, muchos evangélicos y otras denominaciones.
Veamos el otro significado, "avaricia deificada"
Por eso era tan pecaminoso que Israel confiara en el ejército de Egypto.
Todo aquello que es invento del hombre, donde este pone su confianza es pecado, nada es digno de poner nuestra confianza, ni el dinero, ni un hombre, ni bienes materiales, absolutamente nada.
Confías en toda la mentira que te rodea porque has personificado esa mentira, la has deificado, es tu señor, tu dios y como tal tratas aquella mentira despreciando al verdadero, único e incomparable Dios eterno.
Como se puede servir al Señor de esta manera?
Dios tengo de todos nosotros misericordia.
Desert, the place where God speaks to us
Desert, the place where God speaks to us.
Good evening, today I want to share with you some words that ask God to be for your own profit.
The Scriptures reveal something far has struck me and allowed me to understand something wonderful.
The Bible shows us how on different occasions Jesus withdrew to the desert to talk to God.
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16)
"In those days he went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God" (Luke 6:12)
"And after he had taken leave, he went to the mountain to pray ..." (Mark 6:46)
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went into a desert place, and there prayed" (Mark 1:35).
Why would Jesus desert locations to talk to God?
A desert involves a totally deserted place, a place where there is nothing right now if I could move to a desert literally sure I would be in the middle of nowhere, all alone.
But in the scriptures the desert is something deeper than just a literal place, is a place that becomes holy land, it is a spiritual place where only God can hear.
Because in a desert there is nothing and no one to interrupt the most glorious moment of our lives, when God speaks to us and we just heard.
God wants every day to move to this spiritual desert to speak, we should allow this to happen, our soul must yearn for the Lord every day apart in this place where we're just us and Him.
In a desert no distractions, it is a very private place, every Christian child of God must have in your life this space where we depart in secret and pour out our hearts to God, we must have this place where we are comforted, healed, restored, cleaned, transformed, strengthened and enriched FE. Nobody sees us and nobody knows now.
There are many distractions that interrupt this moment that God wants to have daily alone with us. For example, young people who persist in having worldly friendships with young people who do not want to know God, to young people who love all things of this world and to that end is talking like they talk, act as they act, what they love They love and of course end up turning away from God maintaining a facade of Christian who can not stand
Young people have space and time for many things in life, but God do not, He calls them the wilderness to speak and they do not accept that there are many distractions that keep them busy in things one day perish.
Another of the most common distractions that prevent a real communion with God is the desire for material things, when we worry too much about material things in our personal projects, want to have economic prosperity. There are many who from rising and even lying down only think that God is with them to bless their work, business or enterprise, but never let God take them to the desert to speak, the desire of this life has stifled and who claim relationship with God is a mere religious and sterile action, there are many that provide for these things with their doctrines unfortunately.
Brothers, this should not, meditate and be honest to ourselves.
Do I allow God to take me to the desert to talk every day? Or am I just that I speak only of my lips and leave requests and petitions?
But I thought that in a relationship so I find myself alone and that no one who hears my palabreríos? Even though I think I have a communion with God, if there is this wilderness in our lives that relationship will be false.
We should examine our lives and identify what is or what the distractions that keep God speak to me alone, once identified should immediately discard them, but end up falling sharply and is likely to cost us get up.
We can all have in our lives and every day this place where we are closer to God, that place can be your room, your backyard or anywhere where we can be completely free from distraction and where God can come us to begin that union makes us inseparable from his presence.
But as long as things in us that God does not like we can never make firm our communion with Him.
For a start we must shed our will and lead us into this desert to God to reveal all those things that are not good, but let's not talk anything trying to silence the conscience and justify, but every exhortation of love from the Lord, we may recognize, repent and ask to cleanse us with his blood.
Because we are certainly nothing, the breath of life that we breathe and our only due to his immense mercy.
Because maybe you are distracted by a lot of things and in the blink of an eye the breath of life disappears and there in hell you can not give glory to God.
By this word I understand why the Spirit says:
"But behold, I will allure her and bring her into the desert and speak to her heart" (Hosea 2:14)
I recommend reading Chapter 1 and 2 of Hosea whole and understand even more.
The earth fornicated away from God, they went after her lovers (false gods) God's chosen people went after Baal, which gave him bread, oil, linen, wool, water, drink, all these things represent all distractions that prevent have an intimate communion with God.
But God said to take his beloved desert to speak to the heart, because in this beautiful book of Hosea God is presented as a faithful husband, my God how wonderful this is! Whether if that people needed this relationship alone with God in a place where no one else, in order to recognize that the true God who saved them and took care is always the one Lord over all creation.
With few things we have committed adultery and have turned away from God, going back as an unfaithful wife lovers and did not recognize that we have one God who gave everything for us.
If we let the Lord lead us to the desert to speak, one thing happen.
The Spirit says:
"And I will espouse you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, goodness and mercy will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will know the Lord." (Hosea 2: 19-20).
He says further:
"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you A little while, and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, ye shall live also in that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and you in. Me, and I in you, He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is that loveth me.. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and show myself to him Judas saith ? (not Iscariot), Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world Jesus answered and said: He who loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make home with him "(John 14: 18-23).
Faithful is because not come from man, but from God.
Learn from the example of Jesus, who went to the desert to hear the Father, let us not forget that Christ obeyed the Father in all and this obedience was due to an intimate relationship without any distractions.
God bless you.
Good evening, today I want to share with you some words that ask God to be for your own profit.
The Scriptures reveal something far has struck me and allowed me to understand something wonderful.
The Bible shows us how on different occasions Jesus withdrew to the desert to talk to God.
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16)
"In those days he went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God" (Luke 6:12)
"And after he had taken leave, he went to the mountain to pray ..." (Mark 6:46)
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went into a desert place, and there prayed" (Mark 1:35).
Why would Jesus desert locations to talk to God?
A desert involves a totally deserted place, a place where there is nothing right now if I could move to a desert literally sure I would be in the middle of nowhere, all alone.
But in the scriptures the desert is something deeper than just a literal place, is a place that becomes holy land, it is a spiritual place where only God can hear.
Because in a desert there is nothing and no one to interrupt the most glorious moment of our lives, when God speaks to us and we just heard.
God wants every day to move to this spiritual desert to speak, we should allow this to happen, our soul must yearn for the Lord every day apart in this place where we're just us and Him.
In a desert no distractions, it is a very private place, every Christian child of God must have in your life this space where we depart in secret and pour out our hearts to God, we must have this place where we are comforted, healed, restored, cleaned, transformed, strengthened and enriched FE. Nobody sees us and nobody knows now.
There are many distractions that interrupt this moment that God wants to have daily alone with us. For example, young people who persist in having worldly friendships with young people who do not want to know God, to young people who love all things of this world and to that end is talking like they talk, act as they act, what they love They love and of course end up turning away from God maintaining a facade of Christian who can not stand
Young people have space and time for many things in life, but God do not, He calls them the wilderness to speak and they do not accept that there are many distractions that keep them busy in things one day perish.
Another of the most common distractions that prevent a real communion with God is the desire for material things, when we worry too much about material things in our personal projects, want to have economic prosperity. There are many who from rising and even lying down only think that God is with them to bless their work, business or enterprise, but never let God take them to the desert to speak, the desire of this life has stifled and who claim relationship with God is a mere religious and sterile action, there are many that provide for these things with their doctrines unfortunately.
Brothers, this should not, meditate and be honest to ourselves.
Do I allow God to take me to the desert to talk every day? Or am I just that I speak only of my lips and leave requests and petitions?
But I thought that in a relationship so I find myself alone and that no one who hears my palabreríos? Even though I think I have a communion with God, if there is this wilderness in our lives that relationship will be false.
We should examine our lives and identify what is or what the distractions that keep God speak to me alone, once identified should immediately discard them, but end up falling sharply and is likely to cost us get up.
We can all have in our lives and every day this place where we are closer to God, that place can be your room, your backyard or anywhere where we can be completely free from distraction and where God can come us to begin that union makes us inseparable from his presence.
But as long as things in us that God does not like we can never make firm our communion with Him.
For a start we must shed our will and lead us into this desert to God to reveal all those things that are not good, but let's not talk anything trying to silence the conscience and justify, but every exhortation of love from the Lord, we may recognize, repent and ask to cleanse us with his blood.
Because we are certainly nothing, the breath of life that we breathe and our only due to his immense mercy.
Because maybe you are distracted by a lot of things and in the blink of an eye the breath of life disappears and there in hell you can not give glory to God.
By this word I understand why the Spirit says:
"But behold, I will allure her and bring her into the desert and speak to her heart" (Hosea 2:14)
I recommend reading Chapter 1 and 2 of Hosea whole and understand even more.
The earth fornicated away from God, they went after her lovers (false gods) God's chosen people went after Baal, which gave him bread, oil, linen, wool, water, drink, all these things represent all distractions that prevent have an intimate communion with God.
But God said to take his beloved desert to speak to the heart, because in this beautiful book of Hosea God is presented as a faithful husband, my God how wonderful this is! Whether if that people needed this relationship alone with God in a place where no one else, in order to recognize that the true God who saved them and took care is always the one Lord over all creation.
With few things we have committed adultery and have turned away from God, going back as an unfaithful wife lovers and did not recognize that we have one God who gave everything for us.
If we let the Lord lead us to the desert to speak, one thing happen.
The Spirit says:
"And I will espouse you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, goodness and mercy will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will know the Lord." (Hosea 2: 19-20).
He says further:
"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you A little while, and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, ye shall live also in that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and you in. Me, and I in you, He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is that loveth me.. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and show myself to him Judas saith ? (not Iscariot), Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world Jesus answered and said: He who loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make home with him "(John 14: 18-23).
Faithful is because not come from man, but from God.
Learn from the example of Jesus, who went to the desert to hear the Father, let us not forget that Christ obeyed the Father in all and this obedience was due to an intimate relationship without any distractions.
God bless you.
domingo, 5 de junio de 2016
Christ died for you
Christ died for you, how? , why?. So many times we say, Christ died for me, lightly and without reverence, without realizing what we are saying. Every time we talk about the name of Christ Jesus, we must do so with reverence, every time we talk about the Cross, we must do so with reverence. The fact that the Son of God died for us, is an event that can not be explained, no preaching in the world is able to explain and understand what it means that Christ died for us. There is no more important than understanding what happened on the cross of Calvary topic.
The biggest problem in this world is that man is not believed sinner and even "Christians" do not realize how sinful we are. It is very important to note carefully what the scriptures say about you, what they say about me and every human being living on the face of the earth.
See Genesis 6: 5
What do you say this word? Today when the Bible is read and find the word sinners, automatically we believe that you are talking about others, because that cruel lie introduces the false gospel, where they make you believe that your privileged you are, you're a different person, that God saw something good in you, that you are worthy of God's love. This is the spirit that governs today the false Christianity.
But you have to understand is that God is not like man. You know that if all your thoughts, all you have spoken and done in secret was exposed like a movie in front of all your family and friends, would come out running and not asomarías more nor your nose shame, because you know you did and thought things secret so horrible that you can not share or with your best friends and we know that we are all equal. Many evils have gone through our heart and God sees everything. What we have to understand is that we are not born without sin, but sin, with inclination to everything morally depraved contrary to the will of God, we have to teach how to lie? How to be selfish? How scream and fight ?.
Absolutely not, why? because what the Bible says about you and me is true, are men, women, young fallen, we are sons of Adam, rebels, perverts and sinful. Today everyone laughs sin, like sin, even many of you like to sin, we should not lie.
Without the grace of God we become like a leper, your best work without the grace of God are as filthy rags, for that reason can not be saved by our works, but today the false Christianity offers a religion of works, "beam God will give you this and that "
When the Bible says that Christ died for our sins, we must understand what is sin, how abhorrent it is to God, in the culture in which we live, it is very difficult to understand what sin is, no one takes seriously the sin or pastors, or preachers, better not talk of sin not to offend, not to lose people from the church.
In many churches speaking very beautiful, yet thousands of people are marching to hell because we are not showing by the scriptures what sin is, how horrible it is, is something that God can not stand.
You need to understand your sin and your state of condemnation before God, so you can love Christ of truth, because they love the lip, not recognize the need for Christ, is not know in depth their sin and what Christ has done for that.
Have you noticed that you're locked up in jail convicted of God? Do not you understand the danger you are in?
We could not understand and therefore do not seek salvation in Christ. I write with all the love, but honestly, I can not say what is written.
Because of our sins no fellowship with God, we are out of their presence.
On the cross, Christ bore your sins and he was abandoned by God in your place. Jesus the son of God, he always lived in perfect communion with his Father, but on the cross his father abandoned him, the doors and windows of heaven were closed to him, we deserve to suffer eternal separation from God, but on the cross, Christ separation suffered in our place.
You have to understand what was happening when Jesus cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
In Psalm 22 find the answer, I ask God to enlighten the heart and open your senses so that you understand.
God bless you in Christ Jesus.
The biggest problem in this world is that man is not believed sinner and even "Christians" do not realize how sinful we are. It is very important to note carefully what the scriptures say about you, what they say about me and every human being living on the face of the earth.
See Genesis 6: 5
What do you say this word? Today when the Bible is read and find the word sinners, automatically we believe that you are talking about others, because that cruel lie introduces the false gospel, where they make you believe that your privileged you are, you're a different person, that God saw something good in you, that you are worthy of God's love. This is the spirit that governs today the false Christianity.
But you have to understand is that God is not like man. You know that if all your thoughts, all you have spoken and done in secret was exposed like a movie in front of all your family and friends, would come out running and not asomarías more nor your nose shame, because you know you did and thought things secret so horrible that you can not share or with your best friends and we know that we are all equal. Many evils have gone through our heart and God sees everything. What we have to understand is that we are not born without sin, but sin, with inclination to everything morally depraved contrary to the will of God, we have to teach how to lie? How to be selfish? How scream and fight ?.
Absolutely not, why? because what the Bible says about you and me is true, are men, women, young fallen, we are sons of Adam, rebels, perverts and sinful. Today everyone laughs sin, like sin, even many of you like to sin, we should not lie.
Without the grace of God we become like a leper, your best work without the grace of God are as filthy rags, for that reason can not be saved by our works, but today the false Christianity offers a religion of works, "beam God will give you this and that "
When the Bible says that Christ died for our sins, we must understand what is sin, how abhorrent it is to God, in the culture in which we live, it is very difficult to understand what sin is, no one takes seriously the sin or pastors, or preachers, better not talk of sin not to offend, not to lose people from the church.
In many churches speaking very beautiful, yet thousands of people are marching to hell because we are not showing by the scriptures what sin is, how horrible it is, is something that God can not stand.
You need to understand your sin and your state of condemnation before God, so you can love Christ of truth, because they love the lip, not recognize the need for Christ, is not know in depth their sin and what Christ has done for that.
Have you noticed that you're locked up in jail convicted of God? Do not you understand the danger you are in?
We could not understand and therefore do not seek salvation in Christ. I write with all the love, but honestly, I can not say what is written.
Because of our sins no fellowship with God, we are out of their presence.
On the cross, Christ bore your sins and he was abandoned by God in your place. Jesus the son of God, he always lived in perfect communion with his Father, but on the cross his father abandoned him, the doors and windows of heaven were closed to him, we deserve to suffer eternal separation from God, but on the cross, Christ separation suffered in our place.
You have to understand what was happening when Jesus cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
In Psalm 22 find the answer, I ask God to enlighten the heart and open your senses so that you understand.
God bless you in Christ Jesus.
Cristo murió por ti
Cristo murió por ti, ¿cómo? , ¿por qué?. Tantas veces decimos, Cristo murió por mi, ligeramente y sin reverencia, sin darnos cuenta de lo que estamos diciendo. Cada momento que hablamos del nombre de Cristo, de Jesús, debemos hacerlo con reverencia, cada momento que hablamos de su Cruz, debemos hacerlo con reverencia. El hecho de que el Hijo de Dios haya muerto por nosotros, es un acontecimiento que no se puede explicar, ningún predicar en el mundo es capaz de explicar y entender lo que significa que Cristo murió por nosotros. No hay tema más importante que comprender lo que sucedió en la cruz del calvario.
El problema más grande en este mundo es que el hombre no se cree pecador y aún los "cristianos" no se dan cuenta lo cuan pecadores son. Es muy importante observar con mucha atención lo que las escrituras dicen de ti, lo que dicen de mi y de todo ser humano que viva sobre la faz de la tierra.
Veamos Génesis 6:5
¿Qué les dice esta palabra? Hoy en día cuando se lee la Biblia y encontramos la palabra pecadores, automáticamente creemos que se está hablando de otros, porque esa cruel mentira introduce el falso evangelio, donde te hacen creer que tu eres privilegiado, que eres una persona distinta, que Dios vio algo bueno en ti, que eres merecedor del amor de Dios. Este es el espíritu que gobierna hoy en día al falso cristianismo.
Pero lo que tienes que entender es que Dios no es como el hombre. Tu sabes que si todos tus pensamientos, todo lo que has hablado y hecho en secreto se expusiera como en una película delante de todos tus familiares y amigos, saldrías corriendo y no asomarías más ni tu nariz de la vergüenza, porque sabes que hiciste y pensaste cosas en secreto tan horribles que no puedes compartir ni con tus mejores amigos y sabemos que somos todos iguales. Tantas maldades han pasado por nuestro corazón y Dios lo ve todo. Lo que tenemos que entender, es que no nacemos sin pecado, sino en pecado, con inclinación a todo lo moralmente depravado contrario a la voluntad de Dios, ¿nos tienen que enseñar como mentir? ¿cómo ser egoísta? ¿cómo gritar y pelear?.
Absolutamente no, ¿por qué? porque lo que la Biblia dice de ti y de mi es verdad, somos hombres, mujeres, jóvenes caídos, somos hijos de Adán, rebeldes, pervertidos y llenos de pecado. Hoy todo el mundo se ríe del pecado, les gusta el pecado, incluso a muchos de ustedes les gusta el pecado, no debemos mentirnos.
Sin la gracia de Dios venimos a ser como un leproso, tus mejores obras sin la gracia de Dios son como trapos de inmundicia, por esa razón no podemos ser salvos por nuestras obras, pero hoy el falso cristianismo ofrece una religión de obras, "haz esto y Dios te dará aquello"
Cuando la Biblia dice que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, debemos entender lo que es el pecado, lo cuan aborrecible es para Dios, en la cultura en la que vivimos, es muy difícil entender lo que es el pecado, nadie toma en serio el pecado, ni los pastores, ni predicadores, mejor no hablemos del pecado para no ofender, para no perder personas de la iglesia.
En muchas iglesias se habla muy bonito, sin embargo miles de personas están marchando al infierno porque no estamos mostrando por medio de las escrituras lo que es el pecado, lo horrible que es, es algo que Dios no puede soportar.
Es necesario que entiendas tu pecado y tu estado de condenación ante Dios, para que puedas amar a Cristo de verdad, la causa de que se ame de la boca para afuera, es no reconocer la necesidad de Cristo, es no conocer en profundidad su pecado y lo que Cristo ha hecho por eso.
¿Te has dado cuenta que estás encerrado en la cárcel de Dios condenado? ¿No entiendes en el peligro que estás?
No hemos entendido y por eso no buscamos la salvación en Cristo. Escribo con todo el amor, pero también con sinceridad, no puedo no decir lo que está escrito.
Por causa de nuestros pecados no hay compañerismo con Dios, estamos fuera de su presencia.
En la cruz, Cristo llevó tus pecados y él fue abandonado por Dios en tu lugar. Jesús el hijo el Dios, siempre vivió en una perfecta comunión con su Padre, pero en la cruz su Padre lo abandonó, las puertas y ventanas del cielo le fueron cerradas, nosotros merecemos sufrir una separación eterna de Dios, pero en la cruz, Cristo sufrió la separación en nuestro lugar.
Tienes que entender lo que estaba sucediendo cuando Jesús clamó "Dios mío, Dios mío ¿por qué me has abandonado?
En el salmo 22 encontrará la respuesta, pido a Dios te ilumine el corazón y abra todos tus sentidos para que entiendas.
Dios les bendiga en Cristo Jesús.
El problema más grande en este mundo es que el hombre no se cree pecador y aún los "cristianos" no se dan cuenta lo cuan pecadores son. Es muy importante observar con mucha atención lo que las escrituras dicen de ti, lo que dicen de mi y de todo ser humano que viva sobre la faz de la tierra.
Veamos Génesis 6:5
¿Qué les dice esta palabra? Hoy en día cuando se lee la Biblia y encontramos la palabra pecadores, automáticamente creemos que se está hablando de otros, porque esa cruel mentira introduce el falso evangelio, donde te hacen creer que tu eres privilegiado, que eres una persona distinta, que Dios vio algo bueno en ti, que eres merecedor del amor de Dios. Este es el espíritu que gobierna hoy en día al falso cristianismo.
Pero lo que tienes que entender es que Dios no es como el hombre. Tu sabes que si todos tus pensamientos, todo lo que has hablado y hecho en secreto se expusiera como en una película delante de todos tus familiares y amigos, saldrías corriendo y no asomarías más ni tu nariz de la vergüenza, porque sabes que hiciste y pensaste cosas en secreto tan horribles que no puedes compartir ni con tus mejores amigos y sabemos que somos todos iguales. Tantas maldades han pasado por nuestro corazón y Dios lo ve todo. Lo que tenemos que entender, es que no nacemos sin pecado, sino en pecado, con inclinación a todo lo moralmente depravado contrario a la voluntad de Dios, ¿nos tienen que enseñar como mentir? ¿cómo ser egoísta? ¿cómo gritar y pelear?.
Absolutamente no, ¿por qué? porque lo que la Biblia dice de ti y de mi es verdad, somos hombres, mujeres, jóvenes caídos, somos hijos de Adán, rebeldes, pervertidos y llenos de pecado. Hoy todo el mundo se ríe del pecado, les gusta el pecado, incluso a muchos de ustedes les gusta el pecado, no debemos mentirnos.
Sin la gracia de Dios venimos a ser como un leproso, tus mejores obras sin la gracia de Dios son como trapos de inmundicia, por esa razón no podemos ser salvos por nuestras obras, pero hoy el falso cristianismo ofrece una religión de obras, "haz esto y Dios te dará aquello"
Cuando la Biblia dice que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, debemos entender lo que es el pecado, lo cuan aborrecible es para Dios, en la cultura en la que vivimos, es muy difícil entender lo que es el pecado, nadie toma en serio el pecado, ni los pastores, ni predicadores, mejor no hablemos del pecado para no ofender, para no perder personas de la iglesia.
En muchas iglesias se habla muy bonito, sin embargo miles de personas están marchando al infierno porque no estamos mostrando por medio de las escrituras lo que es el pecado, lo horrible que es, es algo que Dios no puede soportar.
Es necesario que entiendas tu pecado y tu estado de condenación ante Dios, para que puedas amar a Cristo de verdad, la causa de que se ame de la boca para afuera, es no reconocer la necesidad de Cristo, es no conocer en profundidad su pecado y lo que Cristo ha hecho por eso.
¿Te has dado cuenta que estás encerrado en la cárcel de Dios condenado? ¿No entiendes en el peligro que estás?
No hemos entendido y por eso no buscamos la salvación en Cristo. Escribo con todo el amor, pero también con sinceridad, no puedo no decir lo que está escrito.
Por causa de nuestros pecados no hay compañerismo con Dios, estamos fuera de su presencia.
En la cruz, Cristo llevó tus pecados y él fue abandonado por Dios en tu lugar. Jesús el hijo el Dios, siempre vivió en una perfecta comunión con su Padre, pero en la cruz su Padre lo abandonó, las puertas y ventanas del cielo le fueron cerradas, nosotros merecemos sufrir una separación eterna de Dios, pero en la cruz, Cristo sufrió la separación en nuestro lugar.
Tienes que entender lo que estaba sucediendo cuando Jesús clamó "Dios mío, Dios mío ¿por qué me has abandonado?
En el salmo 22 encontrará la respuesta, pido a Dios te ilumine el corazón y abra todos tus sentidos para que entiendas.
Dios les bendiga en Cristo Jesús.
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016
The mercies of God, in the person of Jesus Christ
Romans 12: 1)
The Apostle Paul, is asking the brothers to do something that is very difficult, he is not asking for money, no cars, no surrender their homes, or to hand over their property.
Paul is asking the brothers to hand over their own lives, it is wonderful when we read the first 11 chapters of Romans, where we understand all that God has done for His people in the person of Jesus Christ, once he demonstrated all that God did in Christ tells us now must give their lives completely.
By the mercies of God made in the person of Christ it is that we give ourselves totally!
Paul is telling them to lose their lives, to hand over all they are at the feet of the Lord.
The mercies of God in the person of Christ! This is the engine, the motivation of Christian life, in this context is that we refer to the above, having understood what has been done through the person of Jesus Christ, I find the true strength and true sense of being a Christian.
In the person of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, we find the real reason to love and serve Christ.
Particularly in this space, sometimes read many Christians say they are sad, depressed, unmotivated, you really have not understood, it is impossible're immersed in those horrible feelings, that happens because all you do is go to a meeting where there are plenty of music, which speaks pretty, where you are told, above the mind God loves you, how would you understand what I mean, how much would you understand the mercies of God in the person of Christ!
But out of there and that motivation will only last a few days and come back to feel the same horrible feelings, empty it.
Where does your motivation? Where the fire that claim to have come from?
The fire, strength and all true motivation comes from Christ, we preach Christ, the glory of Christ, the glory of the work of Christ on the cross, the glory of God through Christ in the conversion of a person in a new creature.
We should seek to understand what it means that Christ died for us.
When we begin to understand who Christ is and what He has done for us, we never let more need another motivation, another force, another joy, Christ will suffice.
There is a strange fire today, everyone is looking far to the scriptures reasons as to why I look to Christ, saying "I serve Christ and find him because he will fix my life" if I serve Christ will help me financially, this should not be.
If you serve Christ, it is because he is worthy, He died for me!
Stop talking about money, cars, clothes, home, business, fame, look only at this site, how many are that "Public Figure" as if nothing get, and claim to be Christians, we are called to be famous or want to be, by God understand, that is the pride of the world, shame would have to give them, Madonna puts it is "Public Figure" all worldly look for those things and loves, do not realize they are placed on the same height, should not be so in the holy children of God. Is that example learned of Christ? He said that the glory of men did not receive, made a miracle and asked to stay in the occult, but it was impossible, reporting from the people.
Your public figure you get? You have the wrong profession, you were not called to serve Christ, if you want fame then follow the "famous" of this world.
We speak and look so much, ask them; Is it not enough that Christ died for us?
What matter if you have money or not, if I'm known or not, who care about all that, if Christ died for me, all that matters to me is being known by this fills me with joy in four walls where no one sees me where I do not play trumpet, where only the Father sees.
Christ died for me, so we will worship him, we will work with the forces gives us so that His Kingdom advance, we need no other reason, no other reason, everything is nothing compared to what my Lord has done for me in that Cross.
We need truth, we need sound doctrine, we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
Why is your family suffers? Why is your church suffers? Why you yourself suffer?
It is written: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
They are worried about having great visions, look what we need is knowledge of who God is and of his will, where there is this vision the people suffer and is destroyed.
You want to have the strength and reason to serve God? All we need is biblical doctrine.
Young, most youth group are completely sterile, already have a certain age, you still gonna play?
Leave that for children, you must learn what it means to be a biblical man should not go with other youth, but with older men, believers who give good testimony, to learn.
Did not you read that where many senseless folly huddle spread and increases?
How many youth groups exploit to be together in every folly, all because they are carnal, look to Timothy, observes and see what God really wants from a young man.
I think "too much fun" but that will end up killing us.
You have to go to church to have fun, they can not take anything seriously, we have seen many "Christian" youths in deplorable states.
They say they use methods to attract young people to enter the church. Look, young people are not going to enter heaven for fun.
Does it make sense if young group when they get all they find is fun?
I know very well the youth groups not speak without knowledge.
Every young man needs the truth, you need the word of God, wake up, it's time to stop being a child must be mature, you must understand that if you say you follow Christ, you must take seriously the Bible.
I do not mean that one should go about mourning all day, but it has gone to a very bad end, where the fun occupies a big place.
When I read Paul who wrote with tears, he stops to meditate.
I think we do not understand a quarter of what the hell, a place where many people who are in front of you will go.
Look how we are when someone comes and tells us that his marriage or finance are wrong, we face of sadness, anxiety, but no tears in secret for the souls that go to hell, there is that burden, there is no such understanding.
Look at the prophets, they received God's judgment that the Lord brought against his people, can you imagine that? They had to announce again and again the people in the hope that they heard, they wept for the people, because they understood how serious the ministry and that God does not play, do you think they had time to play? How could have fun all the time knowing what is going to occur? All this also has to do with deny himself and lose our lives to follow Christ.
Young, How much time do you spend in prayer and reading and then go to other young people to preach Jesus? Compared to the time you spend preparing for games and all things to amuse.
It makes no sense to go to church, if you do not with the right attitude, if you have hunger for the word of God, if you are not thirsty for God's presence.
I might tell you, young people need fun, I ask you, please tell me which part of Scripture says.
Am I can amuse? Yes, but when we think a youth group or the church needs so much fun that it does not exist, something is wrong.
Joy in the Lord is very different fun today.
No one can lay a foundation that has been laid, Jesus Christ.
God bless you in Christ Jesus.
The Apostle Paul, is asking the brothers to do something that is very difficult, he is not asking for money, no cars, no surrender their homes, or to hand over their property.
Paul is asking the brothers to hand over their own lives, it is wonderful when we read the first 11 chapters of Romans, where we understand all that God has done for His people in the person of Jesus Christ, once he demonstrated all that God did in Christ tells us now must give their lives completely.
By the mercies of God made in the person of Christ it is that we give ourselves totally!
Paul is telling them to lose their lives, to hand over all they are at the feet of the Lord.
The mercies of God in the person of Christ! This is the engine, the motivation of Christian life, in this context is that we refer to the above, having understood what has been done through the person of Jesus Christ, I find the true strength and true sense of being a Christian.
In the person of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, we find the real reason to love and serve Christ.
Particularly in this space, sometimes read many Christians say they are sad, depressed, unmotivated, you really have not understood, it is impossible're immersed in those horrible feelings, that happens because all you do is go to a meeting where there are plenty of music, which speaks pretty, where you are told, above the mind God loves you, how would you understand what I mean, how much would you understand the mercies of God in the person of Christ!
But out of there and that motivation will only last a few days and come back to feel the same horrible feelings, empty it.
Where does your motivation? Where the fire that claim to have come from?
The fire, strength and all true motivation comes from Christ, we preach Christ, the glory of Christ, the glory of the work of Christ on the cross, the glory of God through Christ in the conversion of a person in a new creature.
We should seek to understand what it means that Christ died for us.
When we begin to understand who Christ is and what He has done for us, we never let more need another motivation, another force, another joy, Christ will suffice.
There is a strange fire today, everyone is looking far to the scriptures reasons as to why I look to Christ, saying "I serve Christ and find him because he will fix my life" if I serve Christ will help me financially, this should not be.
If you serve Christ, it is because he is worthy, He died for me!
Stop talking about money, cars, clothes, home, business, fame, look only at this site, how many are that "Public Figure" as if nothing get, and claim to be Christians, we are called to be famous or want to be, by God understand, that is the pride of the world, shame would have to give them, Madonna puts it is "Public Figure" all worldly look for those things and loves, do not realize they are placed on the same height, should not be so in the holy children of God. Is that example learned of Christ? He said that the glory of men did not receive, made a miracle and asked to stay in the occult, but it was impossible, reporting from the people.
Your public figure you get? You have the wrong profession, you were not called to serve Christ, if you want fame then follow the "famous" of this world.
We speak and look so much, ask them; Is it not enough that Christ died for us?
What matter if you have money or not, if I'm known or not, who care about all that, if Christ died for me, all that matters to me is being known by this fills me with joy in four walls where no one sees me where I do not play trumpet, where only the Father sees.
Christ died for me, so we will worship him, we will work with the forces gives us so that His Kingdom advance, we need no other reason, no other reason, everything is nothing compared to what my Lord has done for me in that Cross.
We need truth, we need sound doctrine, we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
Why is your family suffers? Why is your church suffers? Why you yourself suffer?
It is written: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
They are worried about having great visions, look what we need is knowledge of who God is and of his will, where there is this vision the people suffer and is destroyed.
You want to have the strength and reason to serve God? All we need is biblical doctrine.
Young, most youth group are completely sterile, already have a certain age, you still gonna play?
Leave that for children, you must learn what it means to be a biblical man should not go with other youth, but with older men, believers who give good testimony, to learn.
Did not you read that where many senseless folly huddle spread and increases?
How many youth groups exploit to be together in every folly, all because they are carnal, look to Timothy, observes and see what God really wants from a young man.
I think "too much fun" but that will end up killing us.
You have to go to church to have fun, they can not take anything seriously, we have seen many "Christian" youths in deplorable states.
They say they use methods to attract young people to enter the church. Look, young people are not going to enter heaven for fun.
Does it make sense if young group when they get all they find is fun?
I know very well the youth groups not speak without knowledge.
Every young man needs the truth, you need the word of God, wake up, it's time to stop being a child must be mature, you must understand that if you say you follow Christ, you must take seriously the Bible.
I do not mean that one should go about mourning all day, but it has gone to a very bad end, where the fun occupies a big place.
When I read Paul who wrote with tears, he stops to meditate.
I think we do not understand a quarter of what the hell, a place where many people who are in front of you will go.
Look how we are when someone comes and tells us that his marriage or finance are wrong, we face of sadness, anxiety, but no tears in secret for the souls that go to hell, there is that burden, there is no such understanding.
Look at the prophets, they received God's judgment that the Lord brought against his people, can you imagine that? They had to announce again and again the people in the hope that they heard, they wept for the people, because they understood how serious the ministry and that God does not play, do you think they had time to play? How could have fun all the time knowing what is going to occur? All this also has to do with deny himself and lose our lives to follow Christ.
Young, How much time do you spend in prayer and reading and then go to other young people to preach Jesus? Compared to the time you spend preparing for games and all things to amuse.
It makes no sense to go to church, if you do not with the right attitude, if you have hunger for the word of God, if you are not thirsty for God's presence.
I might tell you, young people need fun, I ask you, please tell me which part of Scripture says.
Am I can amuse? Yes, but when we think a youth group or the church needs so much fun that it does not exist, something is wrong.
Joy in the Lord is very different fun today.
No one can lay a foundation that has been laid, Jesus Christ.
God bless you in Christ Jesus.
Las misericordias de Dios, en la persona de Jesucristo
Romanos 12: 1)
El Apóstol Pablo, les está pidiendo a los hermanos que hagan algo que es muy difícil, él no está pidiendo plata, ni carros, ni que entreguen sus casas, ni que entreguen sus bienes.
Pablo les está pidiendo a los hermanos que entreguen sus propias vidas, es maravilloso cuando leemos los 11 primeros capítulos de Romanos, donde entendemos todo lo que Dios ha hecho por su pueblo en la persona de Jesucristo, una vez demostrado todo lo que hizo Dios en Cristo, El nos dice ahora deben entregar sus vidas totalmente.
¡Por las misericordias de Dios hechas en la persona de Cristo es que debemos entregarnos totalmente!
Pablo les está diciendo que pierdan sus vidas, que entreguen todo lo que son a los pies del Señor.
¡Las misericordias de Dios en la persona de Cristo! Esto es el motor, la motivación de la vida cristiana, en este contexto es que nos referimos a lo anterior, después de haber entendido lo que se ha hecho por medio de la persona de Jesucristo, encuentro la verdadera fuerza y el verdadero sentido de ser un cristiano.
En la persona de Jesucristo y en su obra en la Cruz, encontramos el verdadero motivo de amar y servir a Cristo.
Particularmente en este espacio, a veces leo a muchos cristianos decir que están tristes, depresivos, sin motivación, realmente no has entendido, es imposible que estés sumergido en esos horribles sentimientos, eso ocurre porque lo único que haces es ir a una reunión, donde hay un montón de música, donde se habla bonito, donde se te dice, arriba el ánimo Dios te ama, cuanto quisiera que entiendas lo que quiero decir, ¡Cuánto quisiera que entiendas las misericordias de Dios en la persona de Cristo!
Pero sales de ahí y esa motivación solo te duran unos días y vuelves a sentir los mismo horribles sentimientos, el mismo vacío.
¿De dónde viene tu motivación? ¿De dónde viene el fuego que dices tener?
El fuego, la fuerza y toda motivación verdadera viene de Cristo, debemos predicar a Cristo, la gloria de Cristo, la gloria de la obra de Cristo en la cruz, la gloria de Dios por medio de Cristo en la conversión de una persona en una nueva criatura.
Deberíamos buscar entender lo que significa que Cristo murió por nosotros.
Cuando empezamos a entender, quién es Cristo y lo que ha hecho por nosotros, no vamos nunca más a necesitar otra motivación, otra fuerza, otro gozo, Cristo será suficiente.
Existe un fuego extraño hoy, todos buscan motivos lejanos a las escrituras, respecto al por qué debo buscar a Cristo, dicen "debo servir a Cristo y buscarlo porque el va a arreglar mi vida" , si sirvo a Cristo el va a ayudarme económicamente, esto no debe ser así.
Si sirves a Cristo, es porque el es digno, ¡El murió por mi!
Dejen de hablar de dinero, de autos, de ropa, de casa, de empresas, de fama, miren solo en este sitio, cuantos hay que se ponen "Figura Pública" como si nada, y dicen ser cristianos, no hemos sido llamados a ser famosos o querer serlo, por Dios entiendan, eso es de la vanagloria del mundo, vergüenza les tendría que dar, Madonna pone que es "Figura Pública" todo mundano busca esas cosas y le encanta, no se dan cuenta que se colocan a la misma altura, no debe ser así en los santos hijos de Dios. ¿Ese ejemplo aprendimos de Cristo? El dijo que la gloria de los hombres no recibía, hacía un milagro y pedía que quedara en lo oculto, aunque era imposible, la gente divulgaba de El.
¿Tu te pones figura pública? Te has equivocado de profesión, no fuiste llamado a servir a Cristo, si quieres fama entonces sigue a los "famosos" de este mundo.
Se habla y busca tantas cosas, les pregunto; ¿No es suficiente que Cristo murió por nosotros?
Qué importa si tengo dinero o no, si soy conocido o no, que importa todo eso, si Cristo murió por mi, lo único que me importa es ser conocido por El, esto me llena de gozo en cuatro paredes donde nadie me ve, donde no toco trompeta, donde solo El Padre ve.
Cristo murió por mi, por eso vamos a adorarlo, vamos a trabajar con las fuerzas que El nos da para que su Reino avance, no necesitamos ningún otro motivo, ninguna otra razón, todo es nada comparado a lo que mi Señor ha hecho por mi en aquella Cruz.
Necesitamos la verdad, necesitamos sana doctrina, necesitamos el poder del Espíritu Santo.
¿Por qué tu familia sufre? ¿Por qué tu iglesia sufre? ¿Por que tú mismo sufres?
Está escrito: "Mi pueblo fue destruido por falta de conocimiento"
Están preocupados por tener grandes visiones, mira lo que necesitamos es tener conocimiento de quién es Dios y de su voluntad, donde no hay esta visión el pueblo sufre y es destruido.
¿Tu quieres tener fuerzas y motivo para servir a Dios? Lo único que necesitamos es doctrina bíblica.
Jóvenes, la mayoría de los grupo de jóvenes son totalmente estéril, ya tienes una determinada edad, ¿todavía vas a jugar?
Deja eso para los niños, tu debes aprender lo que es ser un hombre bíblico, no deberían andar con otros jóvenes, sino con hombres maduros, creyentes que den buen testimonio, para aprender.
¿No has leído que donde se amontonan muchos insensatos la necedad se contagia y aumenta?
Cuantos grupos de jóvenes explotan al estar juntos en cada necedad, todo porque son carnales, mira a Timoteo, observa y fíjate lo que Dios quiere realmente de un joven.
Creo que se "divierten demasiado" pero eso nos terminará matando.
Tienes que ir a la iglesia a divertirte, no pueden tomar nada en serio, hemos visto a muchos jóvenes "cristianos" en estados lamentables.
Ellos dicen que emplean métodos para atraer a los jóvenes para que entren en la iglesia. Mira, los jóvenes no van a entrar al cielo por la diversión.
¿Tiene sentido el grupo de joven si cuando llegan lo único que encuentran es diversión?
Conozco muy bien los grupos de jóvenes, no hablo sin conocimiento.
Todo joven necesita la verdad, necesita la palabra de Dios, despierta, es hora que dejes de ser un niño, hay que madurar, debes entender que si dices que sigues a Cristo, debes tomar muy en serio la Biblia.
No quiero decir que uno deba andar triste todo el día, pero se ha ido a un extremo muy malo, donde la diversión ocupa un lugar muy grande.
Cuando leo a Pablo que escribía con lágrimas, paro a meditar.
Creo que no entendemos ni una cuarta parte lo que significa el infierno, lugar a donde muchas personas que están delante de ti van a ir.
Mira cómo somos, cuando viene alguien y nos cuenta que su matrimonio o finanza están mal, ponemos cara de tristeza, de angustia, pero no hay lágrimas en lo oculto por las almas que se van al infierno, no hay esa carga, no hay ese entendimiento.
Mira a los profetas, ellos recibían de Dios el juicio que el Señor traía contra su pueblo, ¿puedes imaginarte eso? Ellos tenían que anunciar una y otra vez al pueblo con la esperanza que oyeran, ellos lloraban por el pueblo, porque entendían lo serio que es el ministerio y que Dios no juega, ¿Tú crees que tenían tiempo de jugar? ¿Cómo se podía divertirse todo el tiempo sabiendo lo que va a sobrevenir? Todo esto tiene que ver también con negarse a si mismo y perder nuestra vida para seguir a Cristo.
Joven, ¿Cuánto tiempo pasas en oración y lectura para después ir a otros jóvenes a predicarles de Jesús? Comparado con el tiempo que pasas preparando los juegos y todas las cosas para divertirlos.
No tiene sentido que vayas a una iglesia, si no lo haces con la actitud correcta, si no tienes hambre de la palabra de Dios, si no tienes sed de la presencia de Dios.
Quizás me digas, los jóvenes necesitan diversión, yo te pregunto, por favor dime en que parte de las escrituras lo dice.
¿Me puedo divertir? Si, pero cuando pensamos que un grupo de jóvenes o la iglesia necesita diversión a tal punto que sino no existe, algo anda mal.
Gozo en el Señor es muy distinto de la diversión de hoy.
Nadie puede poner otro fundamento que el que ha sido puesto, Jesucristo.
Dios los bendiga en Cristo Jesús.
El Apóstol Pablo, les está pidiendo a los hermanos que hagan algo que es muy difícil, él no está pidiendo plata, ni carros, ni que entreguen sus casas, ni que entreguen sus bienes.
Pablo les está pidiendo a los hermanos que entreguen sus propias vidas, es maravilloso cuando leemos los 11 primeros capítulos de Romanos, donde entendemos todo lo que Dios ha hecho por su pueblo en la persona de Jesucristo, una vez demostrado todo lo que hizo Dios en Cristo, El nos dice ahora deben entregar sus vidas totalmente.
¡Por las misericordias de Dios hechas en la persona de Cristo es que debemos entregarnos totalmente!
Pablo les está diciendo que pierdan sus vidas, que entreguen todo lo que son a los pies del Señor.
¡Las misericordias de Dios en la persona de Cristo! Esto es el motor, la motivación de la vida cristiana, en este contexto es que nos referimos a lo anterior, después de haber entendido lo que se ha hecho por medio de la persona de Jesucristo, encuentro la verdadera fuerza y el verdadero sentido de ser un cristiano.
En la persona de Jesucristo y en su obra en la Cruz, encontramos el verdadero motivo de amar y servir a Cristo.
Particularmente en este espacio, a veces leo a muchos cristianos decir que están tristes, depresivos, sin motivación, realmente no has entendido, es imposible que estés sumergido en esos horribles sentimientos, eso ocurre porque lo único que haces es ir a una reunión, donde hay un montón de música, donde se habla bonito, donde se te dice, arriba el ánimo Dios te ama, cuanto quisiera que entiendas lo que quiero decir, ¡Cuánto quisiera que entiendas las misericordias de Dios en la persona de Cristo!
Pero sales de ahí y esa motivación solo te duran unos días y vuelves a sentir los mismo horribles sentimientos, el mismo vacío.
¿De dónde viene tu motivación? ¿De dónde viene el fuego que dices tener?
El fuego, la fuerza y toda motivación verdadera viene de Cristo, debemos predicar a Cristo, la gloria de Cristo, la gloria de la obra de Cristo en la cruz, la gloria de Dios por medio de Cristo en la conversión de una persona en una nueva criatura.
Deberíamos buscar entender lo que significa que Cristo murió por nosotros.
Cuando empezamos a entender, quién es Cristo y lo que ha hecho por nosotros, no vamos nunca más a necesitar otra motivación, otra fuerza, otro gozo, Cristo será suficiente.
Existe un fuego extraño hoy, todos buscan motivos lejanos a las escrituras, respecto al por qué debo buscar a Cristo, dicen "debo servir a Cristo y buscarlo porque el va a arreglar mi vida" , si sirvo a Cristo el va a ayudarme económicamente, esto no debe ser así.
Si sirves a Cristo, es porque el es digno, ¡El murió por mi!
Dejen de hablar de dinero, de autos, de ropa, de casa, de empresas, de fama, miren solo en este sitio, cuantos hay que se ponen "Figura Pública" como si nada, y dicen ser cristianos, no hemos sido llamados a ser famosos o querer serlo, por Dios entiendan, eso es de la vanagloria del mundo, vergüenza les tendría que dar, Madonna pone que es "Figura Pública" todo mundano busca esas cosas y le encanta, no se dan cuenta que se colocan a la misma altura, no debe ser así en los santos hijos de Dios. ¿Ese ejemplo aprendimos de Cristo? El dijo que la gloria de los hombres no recibía, hacía un milagro y pedía que quedara en lo oculto, aunque era imposible, la gente divulgaba de El.
¿Tu te pones figura pública? Te has equivocado de profesión, no fuiste llamado a servir a Cristo, si quieres fama entonces sigue a los "famosos" de este mundo.
Se habla y busca tantas cosas, les pregunto; ¿No es suficiente que Cristo murió por nosotros?
Qué importa si tengo dinero o no, si soy conocido o no, que importa todo eso, si Cristo murió por mi, lo único que me importa es ser conocido por El, esto me llena de gozo en cuatro paredes donde nadie me ve, donde no toco trompeta, donde solo El Padre ve.
Cristo murió por mi, por eso vamos a adorarlo, vamos a trabajar con las fuerzas que El nos da para que su Reino avance, no necesitamos ningún otro motivo, ninguna otra razón, todo es nada comparado a lo que mi Señor ha hecho por mi en aquella Cruz.
Necesitamos la verdad, necesitamos sana doctrina, necesitamos el poder del Espíritu Santo.
¿Por qué tu familia sufre? ¿Por qué tu iglesia sufre? ¿Por que tú mismo sufres?
Está escrito: "Mi pueblo fue destruido por falta de conocimiento"
Están preocupados por tener grandes visiones, mira lo que necesitamos es tener conocimiento de quién es Dios y de su voluntad, donde no hay esta visión el pueblo sufre y es destruido.
¿Tu quieres tener fuerzas y motivo para servir a Dios? Lo único que necesitamos es doctrina bíblica.
Jóvenes, la mayoría de los grupo de jóvenes son totalmente estéril, ya tienes una determinada edad, ¿todavía vas a jugar?
Deja eso para los niños, tu debes aprender lo que es ser un hombre bíblico, no deberían andar con otros jóvenes, sino con hombres maduros, creyentes que den buen testimonio, para aprender.
¿No has leído que donde se amontonan muchos insensatos la necedad se contagia y aumenta?
Cuantos grupos de jóvenes explotan al estar juntos en cada necedad, todo porque son carnales, mira a Timoteo, observa y fíjate lo que Dios quiere realmente de un joven.
Creo que se "divierten demasiado" pero eso nos terminará matando.
Tienes que ir a la iglesia a divertirte, no pueden tomar nada en serio, hemos visto a muchos jóvenes "cristianos" en estados lamentables.
Ellos dicen que emplean métodos para atraer a los jóvenes para que entren en la iglesia. Mira, los jóvenes no van a entrar al cielo por la diversión.
¿Tiene sentido el grupo de joven si cuando llegan lo único que encuentran es diversión?
Conozco muy bien los grupos de jóvenes, no hablo sin conocimiento.
Todo joven necesita la verdad, necesita la palabra de Dios, despierta, es hora que dejes de ser un niño, hay que madurar, debes entender que si dices que sigues a Cristo, debes tomar muy en serio la Biblia.
No quiero decir que uno deba andar triste todo el día, pero se ha ido a un extremo muy malo, donde la diversión ocupa un lugar muy grande.
Cuando leo a Pablo que escribía con lágrimas, paro a meditar.
Creo que no entendemos ni una cuarta parte lo que significa el infierno, lugar a donde muchas personas que están delante de ti van a ir.
Mira cómo somos, cuando viene alguien y nos cuenta que su matrimonio o finanza están mal, ponemos cara de tristeza, de angustia, pero no hay lágrimas en lo oculto por las almas que se van al infierno, no hay esa carga, no hay ese entendimiento.
Mira a los profetas, ellos recibían de Dios el juicio que el Señor traía contra su pueblo, ¿puedes imaginarte eso? Ellos tenían que anunciar una y otra vez al pueblo con la esperanza que oyeran, ellos lloraban por el pueblo, porque entendían lo serio que es el ministerio y que Dios no juega, ¿Tú crees que tenían tiempo de jugar? ¿Cómo se podía divertirse todo el tiempo sabiendo lo que va a sobrevenir? Todo esto tiene que ver también con negarse a si mismo y perder nuestra vida para seguir a Cristo.
Joven, ¿Cuánto tiempo pasas en oración y lectura para después ir a otros jóvenes a predicarles de Jesús? Comparado con el tiempo que pasas preparando los juegos y todas las cosas para divertirlos.
No tiene sentido que vayas a una iglesia, si no lo haces con la actitud correcta, si no tienes hambre de la palabra de Dios, si no tienes sed de la presencia de Dios.
Quizás me digas, los jóvenes necesitan diversión, yo te pregunto, por favor dime en que parte de las escrituras lo dice.
¿Me puedo divertir? Si, pero cuando pensamos que un grupo de jóvenes o la iglesia necesita diversión a tal punto que sino no existe, algo anda mal.
Gozo en el Señor es muy distinto de la diversión de hoy.
Nadie puede poner otro fundamento que el que ha sido puesto, Jesucristo.
Dios los bendiga en Cristo Jesús.
sábado, 2 de abril de 2016
Jesus Christ , you can only save.
First of all, I write not do it from elsewhere, because before a Holy God were all under the same condition, sinners.
Do not use the writings to fight messages because we do not look anything like that, but on the love of Christ that captivates us serve and to know that our hearts were enlightened, we wish to enlighten others, all for the glory and honor of those who died for us.
Sometimes we believe that the wisdom born with us and she will die with us. We believe that we are the generation that will change the world, I implore you, let's look at a little history and we will discover that we are wrong, all generations think the same things, but the world is sinking deeper and deeper and deeper into degradation moral.
We live in a world where babies are killed by abortion, we live in a world where men are corrupted with other men and women are turned into lasciviousness with other women, live in world full of greed and so a lot of things.
If pagan generations could resurrect from the dead or ancient Greek philosophers or the great thinkers, all of them would turn against us and would tell us that there is nothing new under the sun. And in the same way that all of them perished dreams, so our dreams perish, and in the same way that our culture tries to make a world without God, we are going to fail just like them. This world was made for God, the God of the Scriptures and the already placed its mold in all things and why we do not see, it's because we do not see, and why they do not want to see?
The Bible says that all have sinned, we know what our generation believes, because the previous generation believed the same thing, and the earlier the same thing and so, we know well the wars that were made to end the war, it was said that in the centuries 19 and 20 would be a new era, a new period of peace, morality, but the world is sinking more and more into wickedness, the reason is because all have sinned, as the Bible says. And why we sin all? For sin is born with us, it is our depraved nature.
No social theory, no argument, no psychology, no false gospel, no religion, no one wants to speak the truth, no one wants to give to the reality as we really are. We are not bad for the environment around us, the environment around us is morally wrong, but our evil comes from ourselves, from our essence, what we really are.
Many say, God knows my heart, you know nothing about me, do not need to really know your heart, but we must understand that when the Bible speaks of the heart, is referring to our being, to the control center of our emotions, what we are. What is within our heart it is manifested in each of the members of our body. If God lives by faith in our hearts as we say, then he will have my eyes, my hands, my mouth, my mind, my body, my tongue.
The problem is not the man himself, if not the sin within. The reality of man is that he has two problems, let's see what those problems according to the scriptures.
The first problem is this "judicial condemnation of God because of sin" (Romans 3: 9-20)
The second problem "the power of sin in our lives."
This is the root of all evil on the planet.
(Romans 7: 13-24) is one of the passages where so powerfully describes our condition and the power of sin in us. When you read this message, you may the Lord is talking about, because you know you're still a prisoner of your sins, stay sad because again and again you fall. But that happens because you wanted on your own to be saved, you have not really reflected in your sins and the two problems the man, as shown in the scriptures.
No secular book that we read not only do not have the solution but fail to even describe the problem correctly. But when the Bible is read one discovers that the emperor has no clothes, that the problem of man is man. We are wrong. And because God is good, that puts us in a terrible situation. Paul's exclamation in verse 24 is shocking, is not a game, it's real. He does not cry out that way because he was an actor, but because he is talking full power of our reality, do you realize that you can not play a Christian?
Now I want to share that means the Gospel of Christ in Romans 3:28 we find something very powerful to begin to understand.
How can God be just and at the same time justify the ungodly? This seems contradictory in the Bible, how God is righteous can cover sin ?, unjust judges do, how can God forgive sins if he is right ?. Does not earthly justice must punish all his weight any committed evil?
Think about this.
Read Exodus 34: 6-7 he says he is merciful, slow to anger and forgives all sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty.
Let us apply this passage to us, come to Him with our sins, we hear this truth, that forgives all sin and shout, there is hope! But the next phrase destroys our hope, for He will not acquit the guilty in any way.
So how does God can forgive sins and still be fair? Back in Romans 3, God says that justifies the ungodly.
Corrupt judges only cover sins, how God can be just and cover sins?
The question is how this apparent problem is solved? There is only one answer. The answer is the person of Jesus Christ.
We were justified freely. What does it mean ? It means that God declares us righteous before Him even having done nothing for us to do something like that. If there is anything we have done, all they deserve our works is the condemnation of God.
But God justifies those who believed in Jesus, but they never gave reasons for God to do.
If you run an Islamic and ask, what if you die where you're going? He says to paradise, why? Because I love the Koran, I do my prayers, I make my pilgrimage, I am a righteous man!
If you run an Orthodox Jew, you ask the same and responds to paraíso.¿ Why? Because I love the Torah, I keep the commandments, I am circumcised, tithe, I am a righteous man.!
If you get to a Catholic and you ask, what if you die where you're going? He says to paradise, why? Well, because I'm from the true church, because I do all my vows to the Virgin and all the "saints" because I go to church because I do my prayers, because I will be purified in purgatory for being Catholic.
But if you get a Christian, a genuine Christian, because many who claim to be Christians are not. You ask the same and the answers go to paradise, why? Because I was conceived in sin, all my life, all I did was sin, and sin, there is not a commandment of my God that I have not violated. Then you interrupt saying, wait a minute, I'm not understanding, to understand each other, they go to heaven because they did something for their virtues, but you? Then he answers, I go to paradise totally focused on virtue and merit of another Jesus Christ my Lord.
(Psalm 51: 1-5).
I implore you who are reading, look at verse 4
"Against thee, thee have I sinned,
And I have done what is evil in your eyes;
So that you are proved right in your words,
And I blameless in your judgment "
You think you know that stealing is wrong, because of the moral man, his righteousness is born this law?
You think you know that lying is bad because of morality and justice of man was born this law? Of course not, if we who again and again transgress these laws and all established by God.
We judge others by what they do, but then we do the same as them. The Lord is righteous, we sinners.
Is not it interesting what? Anywhere in the world you go, we will agree on these things, if your questions if stealing is wrong anywhere in the world, you're going to say yes, why? Because God wrote His law in every heart of men, that we can not escape.
When you sin, you know you do it wrong, your conscience cries out you're doing wrong, you can not escape it.
Do you honestly believe that we are good? We said that if all our sins were projected as a movie, we would not ever show your face in front of anyone and we know that we are all equal. Where is that pride? Where it is that you spend talking and judging others and I have never regretted? Because we never preached the true gospel why are not you sorry for truth, but only something superficial. Only made a confession of faith and prayer, but that is not worth anything, our life goes on in the flesh, filth and all the desires of this world.
Have not we read about Adam? How many times you sinned? Only once and everyone he was convicted and put under a curse. And we sin more times than we got calculate, but do not see, because the god of our imagination is a god pocket and so we see sin as something so small and insignificant, when it is terribly horrible, it's horrible because of Who is God.
Do you really think we are good? How wrong we are!
We have not yet delved into the answer about how God can be just and yet justify the sinner. In two verse of Romans 3: 24-25 we see the answer.
You can tell this is not correct, because a God of love can not have anger, he can not hate. That daring us to say this, we reserve a right and we want to deprive God of that right. How often you are listening to news or reading newspapers you read something that ignites your anger for something bad someone else has done. If we have a little decency in ourselves and some justice, when we read something were angry, 'we say that's wrong !! We hate that !! Many say God can not hate because he is love, precisely because he is love is hate, for example, loves the truth why hate the lie and the liar, he loves justice, so he hates injustice, love babies, so hates abortion, he loves marriage so he hates adultery, homosexuality and so in all things. You can see ? We can not pull out the righteousness of God. He is just and His justice burns against the wicked.
(Psalm 5: 5)
With one hand God withholds his wrath against us and the other tells us are, but one day both hands will be removed and all human beings will be consumed by the wrath of God.
We still do not delve into the question, how God can offer forgiveness to the sinner and still remain fair ?.
Romans 3:25
The word propitiation, some liberals try to take the word of scripture, because it is very important in the gospel, its meaning is as follows; it is a sacrifice that satisfies the demands of God's justice and appeases the wrath of God, is that what Christ did on the cross of Calvary. Think about it.
Many false Christians say, instead of God being fair with you, he was loving, but that is not logical, because they say that the love of God is not fair, but unfair. God can not grab one of their attributes and hide it behind your back. If you think that's because you have not yet understood the Cross of Jesus.
When we say that God is perfect, it means that all attributes exist in harmony, not one of its attributes refuses to exalt other. We need a just God.
But we do not want God to be just why?, What is what He does with us ?, that is the problem, and Christ is the answer at Calvary, Christ was raised as determined by God, he lived a perfect life and he goes to the cross as a man and the Cross all wrath of God is placed on and when the dies pay and satisfy justice for the people of God, appeased the wrath of God for the people of God and now God can freely forgive the sinner, because He paid the price. Everything was done by the mighty God our Savior.
In 2Corintio 5:21, the Bible tells us who knew no sin became sin for us. Does it mean that there Christ on the Cross stank and around in something bad or immoral? Do not ! The Cross still remained unblemished lamb, then that was what happened? On the cross God imputed our sins in His Son and treated him as if he were guilty. The only man who fulfilled all the law, there on the cross was treated as the only one who disobeyed the law.
Christ did not know what sin was, we did not do nothing but sin and not know anything other than sin.
He died, but rose again
What does his resurrection?
Romans 1: 2-5, is the public declaration of God, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Romans 4: 24-25, is the public declaration of God that accepts the death of Christ which has satisfied his justice and which we attain justification.
In the l Acts, is the public declaration of God that this world has only one Savior and that we have a governor and a judge, before whom will one day all of us, and now God calls every man wherever they are find that repent and believe in the gospel, believing is not to repeat a prayer, not lift a hand, is not to go in front of an "altar" is not a superficial gospel that most receive, he calls every man to repent and trust in Jesus Christ, God calls us to recognize our really bad and we repent of our self-confidence based on our works, to consider all our works as nothing and take Christ as our only hope. It is cut with other means of salvation and trust the person and work of Christ on the Cross. We must seek until formed in us, until his Spirit testifies in our hearts that we are truly children of God.
Evidence of sanctification and justification in our lives, the evidence that the condemnation of sin was removed, will gradually we grow in holiness and power of sin becomes less and less, the opposite happens when we only religion, demean us more and more, we are led to inevitable death. If we truly believe in Christ for salvation, we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
Look at the young, rather to everyone. They say we just want to have fun, do not do anything wrong, just wanna have fun? what they want is to get women to use their bodies to satisfy the pleasure of them, do not want any compromise with them, but they say, we do so because they agree, what is the problem with that? I am a father, tries to do that with my daughter, yet she would consent to it, first you have to kill me, what they do is wicked, full of lust, like animals, like beasts, preying each other and women getting dressed impurely to attract men and they waiting for the moment to devour. In this culture we live, there is a hell and maybe what we're talking about is not clear to us now, but one day it will be very clear, when we all stand before a Holy God and where all filthiness of our inner being exposed and judged, our culture is killing babies, we are like beasts, kill all true beauty, kill true love, we prefer to be passed out from alcohol to vomit, we prefer lewdness and feed each other, we throw out modesty and exhibit us as if we were selling us, this is our culture, we must repent and go after Christ.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
With love in Christ Jesus.
Do not use the writings to fight messages because we do not look anything like that, but on the love of Christ that captivates us serve and to know that our hearts were enlightened, we wish to enlighten others, all for the glory and honor of those who died for us.
Sometimes we believe that the wisdom born with us and she will die with us. We believe that we are the generation that will change the world, I implore you, let's look at a little history and we will discover that we are wrong, all generations think the same things, but the world is sinking deeper and deeper and deeper into degradation moral.
We live in a world where babies are killed by abortion, we live in a world where men are corrupted with other men and women are turned into lasciviousness with other women, live in world full of greed and so a lot of things.
If pagan generations could resurrect from the dead or ancient Greek philosophers or the great thinkers, all of them would turn against us and would tell us that there is nothing new under the sun. And in the same way that all of them perished dreams, so our dreams perish, and in the same way that our culture tries to make a world without God, we are going to fail just like them. This world was made for God, the God of the Scriptures and the already placed its mold in all things and why we do not see, it's because we do not see, and why they do not want to see?
The Bible says that all have sinned, we know what our generation believes, because the previous generation believed the same thing, and the earlier the same thing and so, we know well the wars that were made to end the war, it was said that in the centuries 19 and 20 would be a new era, a new period of peace, morality, but the world is sinking more and more into wickedness, the reason is because all have sinned, as the Bible says. And why we sin all? For sin is born with us, it is our depraved nature.
No social theory, no argument, no psychology, no false gospel, no religion, no one wants to speak the truth, no one wants to give to the reality as we really are. We are not bad for the environment around us, the environment around us is morally wrong, but our evil comes from ourselves, from our essence, what we really are.
Many say, God knows my heart, you know nothing about me, do not need to really know your heart, but we must understand that when the Bible speaks of the heart, is referring to our being, to the control center of our emotions, what we are. What is within our heart it is manifested in each of the members of our body. If God lives by faith in our hearts as we say, then he will have my eyes, my hands, my mouth, my mind, my body, my tongue.
The problem is not the man himself, if not the sin within. The reality of man is that he has two problems, let's see what those problems according to the scriptures.
The first problem is this "judicial condemnation of God because of sin" (Romans 3: 9-20)
The second problem "the power of sin in our lives."
This is the root of all evil on the planet.
(Romans 7: 13-24) is one of the passages where so powerfully describes our condition and the power of sin in us. When you read this message, you may the Lord is talking about, because you know you're still a prisoner of your sins, stay sad because again and again you fall. But that happens because you wanted on your own to be saved, you have not really reflected in your sins and the two problems the man, as shown in the scriptures.
No secular book that we read not only do not have the solution but fail to even describe the problem correctly. But when the Bible is read one discovers that the emperor has no clothes, that the problem of man is man. We are wrong. And because God is good, that puts us in a terrible situation. Paul's exclamation in verse 24 is shocking, is not a game, it's real. He does not cry out that way because he was an actor, but because he is talking full power of our reality, do you realize that you can not play a Christian?
Now I want to share that means the Gospel of Christ in Romans 3:28 we find something very powerful to begin to understand.
How can God be just and at the same time justify the ungodly? This seems contradictory in the Bible, how God is righteous can cover sin ?, unjust judges do, how can God forgive sins if he is right ?. Does not earthly justice must punish all his weight any committed evil?
Think about this.
Read Exodus 34: 6-7 he says he is merciful, slow to anger and forgives all sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty.
Let us apply this passage to us, come to Him with our sins, we hear this truth, that forgives all sin and shout, there is hope! But the next phrase destroys our hope, for He will not acquit the guilty in any way.
So how does God can forgive sins and still be fair? Back in Romans 3, God says that justifies the ungodly.
Corrupt judges only cover sins, how God can be just and cover sins?
The question is how this apparent problem is solved? There is only one answer. The answer is the person of Jesus Christ.
We were justified freely. What does it mean ? It means that God declares us righteous before Him even having done nothing for us to do something like that. If there is anything we have done, all they deserve our works is the condemnation of God.
But God justifies those who believed in Jesus, but they never gave reasons for God to do.
If you run an Islamic and ask, what if you die where you're going? He says to paradise, why? Because I love the Koran, I do my prayers, I make my pilgrimage, I am a righteous man!
If you run an Orthodox Jew, you ask the same and responds to paraíso.¿ Why? Because I love the Torah, I keep the commandments, I am circumcised, tithe, I am a righteous man.!
If you get to a Catholic and you ask, what if you die where you're going? He says to paradise, why? Well, because I'm from the true church, because I do all my vows to the Virgin and all the "saints" because I go to church because I do my prayers, because I will be purified in purgatory for being Catholic.
But if you get a Christian, a genuine Christian, because many who claim to be Christians are not. You ask the same and the answers go to paradise, why? Because I was conceived in sin, all my life, all I did was sin, and sin, there is not a commandment of my God that I have not violated. Then you interrupt saying, wait a minute, I'm not understanding, to understand each other, they go to heaven because they did something for their virtues, but you? Then he answers, I go to paradise totally focused on virtue and merit of another Jesus Christ my Lord.
(Psalm 51: 1-5).
I implore you who are reading, look at verse 4
"Against thee, thee have I sinned,
And I have done what is evil in your eyes;
So that you are proved right in your words,
And I blameless in your judgment "
You think you know that stealing is wrong, because of the moral man, his righteousness is born this law?
You think you know that lying is bad because of morality and justice of man was born this law? Of course not, if we who again and again transgress these laws and all established by God.
We judge others by what they do, but then we do the same as them. The Lord is righteous, we sinners.
Is not it interesting what? Anywhere in the world you go, we will agree on these things, if your questions if stealing is wrong anywhere in the world, you're going to say yes, why? Because God wrote His law in every heart of men, that we can not escape.
When you sin, you know you do it wrong, your conscience cries out you're doing wrong, you can not escape it.
Do you honestly believe that we are good? We said that if all our sins were projected as a movie, we would not ever show your face in front of anyone and we know that we are all equal. Where is that pride? Where it is that you spend talking and judging others and I have never regretted? Because we never preached the true gospel why are not you sorry for truth, but only something superficial. Only made a confession of faith and prayer, but that is not worth anything, our life goes on in the flesh, filth and all the desires of this world.
Have not we read about Adam? How many times you sinned? Only once and everyone he was convicted and put under a curse. And we sin more times than we got calculate, but do not see, because the god of our imagination is a god pocket and so we see sin as something so small and insignificant, when it is terribly horrible, it's horrible because of Who is God.
Do you really think we are good? How wrong we are!
We have not yet delved into the answer about how God can be just and yet justify the sinner. In two verse of Romans 3: 24-25 we see the answer.
You can tell this is not correct, because a God of love can not have anger, he can not hate. That daring us to say this, we reserve a right and we want to deprive God of that right. How often you are listening to news or reading newspapers you read something that ignites your anger for something bad someone else has done. If we have a little decency in ourselves and some justice, when we read something were angry, 'we say that's wrong !! We hate that !! Many say God can not hate because he is love, precisely because he is love is hate, for example, loves the truth why hate the lie and the liar, he loves justice, so he hates injustice, love babies, so hates abortion, he loves marriage so he hates adultery, homosexuality and so in all things. You can see ? We can not pull out the righteousness of God. He is just and His justice burns against the wicked.
(Psalm 5: 5)
With one hand God withholds his wrath against us and the other tells us are, but one day both hands will be removed and all human beings will be consumed by the wrath of God.
We still do not delve into the question, how God can offer forgiveness to the sinner and still remain fair ?.
Romans 3:25
The word propitiation, some liberals try to take the word of scripture, because it is very important in the gospel, its meaning is as follows; it is a sacrifice that satisfies the demands of God's justice and appeases the wrath of God, is that what Christ did on the cross of Calvary. Think about it.
Many false Christians say, instead of God being fair with you, he was loving, but that is not logical, because they say that the love of God is not fair, but unfair. God can not grab one of their attributes and hide it behind your back. If you think that's because you have not yet understood the Cross of Jesus.
When we say that God is perfect, it means that all attributes exist in harmony, not one of its attributes refuses to exalt other. We need a just God.
But we do not want God to be just why?, What is what He does with us ?, that is the problem, and Christ is the answer at Calvary, Christ was raised as determined by God, he lived a perfect life and he goes to the cross as a man and the Cross all wrath of God is placed on and when the dies pay and satisfy justice for the people of God, appeased the wrath of God for the people of God and now God can freely forgive the sinner, because He paid the price. Everything was done by the mighty God our Savior.
In 2Corintio 5:21, the Bible tells us who knew no sin became sin for us. Does it mean that there Christ on the Cross stank and around in something bad or immoral? Do not ! The Cross still remained unblemished lamb, then that was what happened? On the cross God imputed our sins in His Son and treated him as if he were guilty. The only man who fulfilled all the law, there on the cross was treated as the only one who disobeyed the law.
Christ did not know what sin was, we did not do nothing but sin and not know anything other than sin.
He died, but rose again
What does his resurrection?
Romans 1: 2-5, is the public declaration of God, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Romans 4: 24-25, is the public declaration of God that accepts the death of Christ which has satisfied his justice and which we attain justification.
In the l Acts, is the public declaration of God that this world has only one Savior and that we have a governor and a judge, before whom will one day all of us, and now God calls every man wherever they are find that repent and believe in the gospel, believing is not to repeat a prayer, not lift a hand, is not to go in front of an "altar" is not a superficial gospel that most receive, he calls every man to repent and trust in Jesus Christ, God calls us to recognize our really bad and we repent of our self-confidence based on our works, to consider all our works as nothing and take Christ as our only hope. It is cut with other means of salvation and trust the person and work of Christ on the Cross. We must seek until formed in us, until his Spirit testifies in our hearts that we are truly children of God.
Evidence of sanctification and justification in our lives, the evidence that the condemnation of sin was removed, will gradually we grow in holiness and power of sin becomes less and less, the opposite happens when we only religion, demean us more and more, we are led to inevitable death. If we truly believe in Christ for salvation, we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
Look at the young, rather to everyone. They say we just want to have fun, do not do anything wrong, just wanna have fun? what they want is to get women to use their bodies to satisfy the pleasure of them, do not want any compromise with them, but they say, we do so because they agree, what is the problem with that? I am a father, tries to do that with my daughter, yet she would consent to it, first you have to kill me, what they do is wicked, full of lust, like animals, like beasts, preying each other and women getting dressed impurely to attract men and they waiting for the moment to devour. In this culture we live, there is a hell and maybe what we're talking about is not clear to us now, but one day it will be very clear, when we all stand before a Holy God and where all filthiness of our inner being exposed and judged, our culture is killing babies, we are like beasts, kill all true beauty, kill true love, we prefer to be passed out from alcohol to vomit, we prefer lewdness and feed each other, we throw out modesty and exhibit us as if we were selling us, this is our culture, we must repent and go after Christ.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
With love in Christ Jesus.
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